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Read the end of the chapter pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Hope you enjoy💜
I need you all to vote for what my next book should be- I've provided more information from the last chapter!

Namjoon made it his priority to set up cameras throughout the house whilst everyone was sleeping. He made sure they were extremely well hidden and was extra careful to avoid damaging them... as he tends to be a lil bit clumsy.

Each room and hallway was covered by the surveillance cameras, monitoring every possible angle. The cameras were put in place in hopes of catching Jang in the act of harming Yoongi or recording contact he may have with Yoongi's father.

The plan is that once footage is collected of any abuse or conspiring, then they could provide the evidence to the police to make a case against him. They agreed that removing Jang completely from their lives is the best solution. Jail was the most efficient way to do this. That way Yoongi would feel safer and no one would need to worry about Jang returning.

Namjoon doesn't have an IQ of 148 and possesses the position of the leader for nothing. Really great qualities come in handy majority of the time. Namjoon has contacted friends in the police force to notify them of what had been occurring.

Sehun, Baekhyun and Chanyeol has all agreed with the plan after some insisting on Namjoon's side. Usually the three respond to things straight away and not wait for more evidence with large accusations. However, agreed as Namjoon had contacted them on a personal level and not through the police investigation route.

Knowing he had backup with Exo police department (wow so original and creative... *sarcasm*), Namjoon was confident in his plan.

The next part of the plan required Yoongi's permission. He wasn't sure if the omega would agree and volunteer himself for this, but hoped that bribery and an explanation would persuade him to do so. Namjoon just hoped that whatever Yoongi wanted as a bribe wouldn't be too expensive.


Once morning had arrived, Namjoon had gone straight to Yoongi, struggling to find him at first as he didn't know which room the boy slept in.

Reaching Jungkook's room, he noticed the boy located between the two boys. He figured Jungkook's room made the most sense for the three to sleep in as he had the biggest bed, besides the group room.

As he approached Yoongi, Jungkook's arm flung out and locked around Namjoon's wrist tightly.

Jungkook had always had good reflexes and great senses, in which he can apparently grasp Namjoon's arm before it can even gets close to one of them.

Said boy blinks his eyes open and spots the alpha looming above. He sheepishly smiles and mutters a small sorry upon releasing the dead-lock grip he held. Namjoon just smiles back, knowing the boy can't help his scarily accurate senses combined with his protective nature.

He proceeds to wake Yoongi up.

"Yoongi darking? Alpha has to speak with you." Referring to himself as alpha has Yoongi up and wide awake knowing it must be serious. Not before whining about how waking someone up from sleep is disrespectful. He's too cute to scold for the complaint though.

Namjoon lifts the omega up and carries him to the group room.

"I'm gonna need you to do something for me okay? You probably won't like it, but it's going to help a lot in the long run."

"What's *yawns* the matter Joonie?"

"We need to collect evidence of Jang hurting you, and I know you won't want to show your body to the police."
*whispers* "so I've set up cameras everywhere and I want you to have to endure a beating from Jang. As much as I hate the idea, we need to do this."

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