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A/N: no longer sick yay. I didn't really edit this chapter much at all. I apologise for any mistakes and please read the end notice. Enjoy, thanks.💜

The atmosphere was tense. Only the sound of breathing echoed in the pastel bedroom. Both minds were running up a storm. One was absorbed into nervousness, the other consumed by fear and anticipation.

A few minutes had passed that felt like hours for the two before the beta finally broke the silence with a clearing of his throat.

"I don't deserve your forgiveness at all. I er, I made you something." He trails of at the end as he pulls out the card he made.

"I know it's lousy and not very well made but I needed to do something to prove how sorry I am. I'm so so so so so so so sorry Yoonie. I broke your trust and laid my hands on you. It was unforgivable and I completely understand if you don't want to, but can I have a chance to make it up to you, I'll do anything please just let me show you how sorry I am." By the end of it Jin breaks down into sobs. Full on ugly crying with tears leaking out of his eyes in a continuous stream down his pink cheeks.

Yoongi is crying too. He's upset at Jin of course but he loves him too much to hate him. He slowly advances towards Jin taking the hands away from his face as gently as possible.

"Hey Jinnie it's okay, me don't hate you, I could never hate you. You upset me a lot and scared me big amounts but I love you and will forgive you."

Jin smiles and so does Yoongi. "Can I?" Yoongi nods. Jin hugs the boy lovingly trying to put trust back into their relationship. Yoongi buries his head into his neck still crying, trying to bask in the sweet lavender scent.

They stay in that position for a while. Jin peppers kisses to Yoongi's head, muttering an apology after each one.

The omega's heart swells at the loving behaviour. The way the beta was coddling him felt heavenly, he could stay here for hours.

"Come on Yoonie. Let's go sit with everyone else hmm?"

Yoongi nods as they seperate. Proceeding to slowly get up and trudge to the living room. They expected to see everyone there, but there's only Namjoon sitting there. Jin looks a little confused and Yoongi cocked his head to the side in a questioning manner at the pack alpha sitting comfortably on the sofa.

Namjoon coos inwardly at the action but just shrugs in response. The two don't press further and Jin proceeds to sit down on the sofa.

Yoongi however, is bored and is eager for some entertainment. He waddles off down the corridor first knocking on Jimin's door. He gets no response and pouts. He heads on to Taehyung's room and knocks. He receives a loud 'come in'. When he enters he is met with the sight of Taehyung and Jungkook playing video games. He knows he is welcome to join them but is also aware of the fact he'd get no attention.

"Hey baby, wanna play?"

"Mmm 'm okay TaeTae, do you know where Seokie is?"

Jungkook replies, "yeah he's in his room bub."


He scurried off to Hoseok's room excited to get cuddles.

*knock knock*

"Come in."
He opens the door quickly almost doing a Namjoon and knocking it off its hinges.
"Heya sunshine what's up?"

Hoseok is sitting on his bed reading a book with a cup of tea in his hand. He smiles across to the small boy as the said boy hurriedly closes the door and shuffles over to Hoseok.

"'m bored and Yoonie wanted Seokie's special cuddles." He giggles at the end.

Hoseok coos at the boy and invites him up, "come and get them then pup." Yoongi climbs into his lap and snuggles into Hoseok's warm. His scent is calming and his presence is comforting. Hoseok runs his fingers through the boy's hair happy to be able to be this carefree again. He also hums to lull Yoongi further into his comfort bubble.

"Hey sunshine, when's your next heat?"

"Mmmm a week but I think Joonie's going to get me pills so I don't have to have it this cycle."

"Why's that hmm?"

"Cuz Yoonie's heat was painful last time and I didn't like it."

"Alright sweetie."

They went back to the comfortable silence and Yoongi slowly begins to fall asleep. It's his nap time anyway otherwise he'll only be bratty later.

Hoseok sighs happy when Yoongi finally falls asleep and he picks his book back up to continue reading. He pulls the blanket over the fragile figure and falls back into the world of fiction.

I know this story doesn't have many reads at the moment but I'm interested if anyone would like there to be any kind of sexual tendencies to the book or perhaps a few dedicated chapters based on the alpha and omega dynamics of heat and rut in the future. Feel free to comment opinions and requests of what you would like to see.

Thanks for reading so far💜

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