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A/N: I messed up the order slightly so this is where this chapter is meant to go.

The hour has arrived. Dinner is ready. Everyone except Yoongi is seated at the table. As they eat Jin and Hoseok attempt to talk to Jimin. But only to get the cold shoulder in response.

Instead Jimin opts for a conversation with Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook. Namjoon is feeding Jimin every few bites as Jimin with puffy cheeks is adorable. The others do converse with Jin and Hoseok to try and keep tensions low but Jin isn't liking being ignored by Jimin one bit.

He stares through Jimin with an intensity that makes the latter feel uncomfortable under the piercing gaze. He avoids looking at Jin to avoid the awkward encounter and instead snuggles into Namjoon's arm. He gets a few coos and pats to the head for the action.

Jin grumbles under his breath something about disrespect, which Namjoon notices, he lets it slide for now.

"So still with the silent treatment huh?"
Hoseok keeps his head down and eats quietly not wanting to be involved in another fight. He just wants everything back to normal, well if you consider them normal. Jin scoffs at his silent behaviour before directing his attention back to Jimin.

"How pathetic. I get that you were upset over everything that happened but to ignore us is childish and ignorant. Can't you behave more like Jang? He's sitting here eating and talking with everyone even though he was attacked." Namjoon growls in a warning. He's just starting to build the bridges again. Jin doesn't listen.

Jang looks up at the mention of his name. He smirks internally at how he has won over Jin, but nonetheless pretends to be sweet. He smiles at Jin who smiles back and then sends an apologetic look to Jimin. The others notice his apologetic response and are all slightly won over by the small male. They find him to be innocent and regretful of the situation, maybe Taehyung was wrong about it being intentional. Jin speaks again, "you don't need to be such a baby about it." The tone is teasing and disgusted, nothing good to it.

"Enough!" There's a growl afterwards. "Jin I will be speaking to you in my room after dinner, you are being very rude to Jimin right now." Jin doesn't say anything back to Namjoon knowing it'll make things worse if he does. Besides, Namjoon is his pack alpha, what he says goes, his decision is final.

Jimin smiles at Jang for his manners towards him before finally speaking to Jin.

"I will act no different to how you deserve to be treated until you apologise."

The tense dinner had ended, Jimin had taken food to Yoongi, Jang had cuddles up with Hoseok and Jungkook. Both oblivious to the underlying evil.

Jin has a different destination to make and he'd better get there fast.

A/N: Jin's about to have his weave snatched.

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