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Warning: mentions of abuse.
I believe this has been proof read, If there are any mistakes I apologise. 💜

Waking up in a warm embrace really puts a positive influence on a person's morning.

For instance, Yoongi and Jimin awoke in each other's warmth. Both giving soft and gentle smiles once opening their eyes. A few light pecks were shared before the two omegas proceeded to get up and ready for the day ahead.

The two happily got washed and dressed for the day. Brushing their teeth until squeaky clean. Minty foam attempting to escape the two open mouthed boys where they formulated some dribble down their chins.

Breakfast was also pleasant. All going out to eat at a cafe that's only 10 minutes away. All getting a variety of food, both sweet and savoury, pancakes, waffles, toast, English breakfast, french toast etc.

The cafe appearing quaint and delicate. A gentle baby blue and yellow theme settled across the decor. The tables all a marbled white where their food sits upon.

Everyone was polite and sweet during their outing. Cracking jokes and sharing giggles.

Yoongi's day was absolutely brilliant. He was thoroughly enjoying his peaceful and aesthetic day.

Well that was until it came to having another bath time. He was thrilled to having another bath adventure. An expedition of glitter and toys. It went from a peaceful to an excitable day.

Also getting to have Hoseok bathe him excited him even further. He hadn't had bath time with Hoseok in a long time. Hoseok always managed to make more bubbles than everyone else and Yoongi absolutely loved bubbles. Especially when they were so glittery and sparkly.

He had just gotten undressed and in the bath when Hoseok took notice of his body. Spotting the splotches of tender skin and red vines adorning the boy's body. He frowned in deep concern for how the omega had gathered these marks. Had one of the others gone extremely harsh in the bedroom? Had the boy had an accident? Was someone hurting him? Was he hurting himself? Hoseok could only plead the unlikely, that he had fell through a bush.

Yoongi was happily playing in the water, fully emerged into the colourful glitter floating across his soft skin. Hoseok proceeds to shampoo his hair while deep in thought of how to approach the whole situation. After conditioning and rinsing he turns back to the urgent matter.



"Can we have a serious little chat for a second?"


"Seokie is a little worried and I want you to  answer everything truthfully okay?"

"Okay Seokie."

"Yoonie baby how have you been feeling the past few days?"

"Sicky and sore."

"Hmm, why sore baby?"


"Yoongi please tell me the truth. Has someone been hurting you?"

He looks away but nods at the question, his head cast downwards.

"Good boy. You're doing so well sweetheart. How have they been hurting you sunshine?"

"With their hands and feet."

"Do you mean kicking and punching?"


"Anything else?"


"What else Yoonie?"

"Scwatches and pinches."

"Okay sweetie, do you want to tell me who it is?" Hoseok remains calm to continue gaining information.

He receives no answer just the boy biting his lip with his eyes closed.

"Are they... do I know them?"

He nods.

"Do I know them really well?"

Nods again.

"Are they in the house?"

Silence. Bingo.

"Who? It's okay sunshine I just want to help. I promise they won't hurt you anymore if you tell me."


"Was it one of our mates?"

"N-no." A very fast head-shake accompanied his reply.

Deep inhale. "Jang?"


"How long?"

"A while."

"You poor thing, c'mere."

Hoseok reaches his arms around the boy soaking his shirt. Yoongi sobs into his shoulder and he is now picked up and put in Hoseok's lap.

"It's okay sunshine, cry it out. You're safe now, I promise I'll try and sort this out."

Yoongi sobs for a while before reducing to small sniffles and the occasional hiccup.

"C'mon sweetie let's go wrap you up for bed."

He lifts the towelled omega and carries him koala style to his bedroom. He picks out pyjamas before Jimin bursts into the room and gasps in shock. The blemishes he saw earlier were definitely not so, instead they were large patches of tender skin sporting the same blue and yellow colours. The suspicions his subconscious picked up on were correct.

He scrambles over to his lover, tears forming, squeezing him to death. "Are you okay?" He gets a nod as a reply. Hoseok allows the embrace for a few minutes before he pries the other boy off and continues to dress him.

Whilst Yoongi is engrossed in the comfort of his soft clothing, Jimin and Hoseok seem to communicate silently with just their eyes. They gaze at each other for about thirty seconds before Jimin leaves curtly with a small nod. Indicating a confirmation to Hoseok's silent appeal.

Turning his attention back to the issue at hand. He lifts his small frame onto the bed before fetching the first aid box. Yoongi is silent as Hoseok rubs the soothing gel over each painful bruise or scratch. He kisses each area before applying the cream, muttering a small sorry for not noticing each time.

It's sweet. Hoseok is always sweet. Apologising for something he had no idea on. Something he had no way of knowing about. It's not like Yoongi left clues and hidden messages to inform his mates of the abuse he has been enduring. It's not like he exposed the areas which had been hurt or was loud enough to be discovered at the time of being tortured. It isn't Hoseok's fault, it isn't any of his mates' fault, so hearing apologies spill from the heart-shaped lips saddens him and makes him feel guilty.

If only he hadn't been so submissive. If only he stuck up for himself.

A/N: the moment you've all been waiting for is emerging. Now someone knows about Jang. What's going to happen? Find out in the next chapter!💜🤷🏻‍♀️

Baby Omega|| BTS x MYGNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ