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A/N: It rained at a funeral I attended and now I'm ill. But because of some A level mock exams, I can't stay at home this week. Also apologies for any mistakes I barely edited it. 💜🖤

The sunlight beams through the window onto the pale face, highlighting the glossy skin a soft orange hue. His lips are pink and his body is closed in on itself. The duvet is pulled up to his chin and soft puffs of air flow out of the cute button nose.

The door is opened quietly and carefully, it's closed delicately behind the figure that  had entered. Gentle footsteps approach the sleeping angel carrying something in his hands. The figure places the 'something' that is in his hands onto the bedside table before turning back to the passed out individual.

A soft hands strokes the rosy cheek.
"Hey sunshine, wakey wakey my sleeping angel."
The boy whines and snuggles into the blankets further whilst also flinging the hand away from his face.
The figure chuckles, "Yoonie c'mon otherwise breakfast will get cold."
Yoongi slowly peers open his eyes and blinks rapidly to clear the sleepiness he feels.


"Yeah it's me sunshine, I made you breakfast to make up for being a b word. Now sit up and let me feed my gorgeous Yoonie hmm?"

Yoongi sits up still slightly hesitant being with Hoseok but still willing to trust in him. Hoseok grabs the tray off the bedside table and begins to feed Yoongi the lemon pancakes he made. "I'm so sorry Yoonie, Seokie was a big meanie and really jealous to the point that he broke that pretty little bracelet huh?"

Yoongi tries to speak but Hoseok feeds him another bite and continues. "I went to get it fixed for you... I know it's not the same because it can never be it's original shape and value but the jeweller did the best she could." This makes Yoongi's heart speed up and butterflies to grow in his stomach at the caring act even if it was overdue.

"If you're wondering how I got it, I kind of snuck in yesterday to get it so you wouldn't suspect anything. I'm really sorry sunshine."

Yoongi smiles and kisses Hoseok quickly.
"I forgive you Seokie and I wuv you loads."
Hoseok smiles widely replying back an 'I love you too' before proceeding to hug each other tightly. Both are happy that their bond is back and won't be awkward anymore.

Hoseok finishes feeding the breakfast to Yoongi, eating some himself and giggling at silly faces the two pulled at each other.


They eventually head downstairs to see everyone eating breakfast. Everyone smiling at the fact that Yoongi has finally left the confinement of his bedroom. Jin smiles weakly at him before continuing to eat his food. Jang place a fake smile on his face feigning an innocent persona once again. Yoongi slightly shuddered at the glimpse of the boy remembering what had happened in his room yesterday. But everyone else was smiling brightly at him, so he gives a small smile in return.

He takes a seat next to Jimin and Namjoon. He only eats a small amount, not wanting to be rude but he is also not very hungry after just eating with Hoseok. However, the said male is scoffing mouthfuls of food like no tomorrow.

He takes note of everyone looking relaxed and smiles knowing no one was hurt or sick while in his absence. He feels quite peaceful with knowing that.

His conscience though, is not. He can't shake the uneasy feeling around Jin and Jang being so close to him. It made him nervous and the more the thought was processed; that the two could hurt him at any second, he realised that there's nothing he could do about it.

His train of thought is broken by said male speaking to him. "Yoonie can I talk to you after breakfast?" He looks up shyly to the direction the voice had come from. He sees Jin with a tight lipped smile and furrowed brows.

Yoongi doesn't want to go, he really doesn't but he can hear the uneasiness in the others voice and knows this is probably going to be an apology. Jin takes the hesitant state as a no and is about to sigh when Yoongi nods, "o-okay hyung."

Ouch. That hurts to be called hyung. Yoongi never calls him that anymore now that they were in a relationship and we're all mates. He understands though. If he were in the same position he wouldn't be so comfortable either. The formalities indicate the difficulty of this situation. Yoongi is not going to trust him in the same way as before for a while.

 Yoongi is not going to trust him in the same way as before for a while

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Uwu, he's adorable.

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