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Warning: slight violence.

He wakes up to a soft hand running through his hair and the smell of firewood mixed with the smell of lemon and chamomile. Meaning he was with Joonie and Tae. He smiles slightly and begins to shift to open his eyes, he feels a bit better but still fairly sick. He smiles at his two alphas who grin back and give him more water. They pack everything away and he drifts back off again.

Later he wakes still feeling sick but much better and gets up to make his bed that he didn't get a chance to do so beforehand, so he doesn't get scolded by Hoseok or Jin. However, whilst making his bed he finds that his bracelet is missing, the shiny silver bracelet with a small charm of a fish. The bracelet was very important to Yoongi to the point he wouldn't think of taking it off. The bracelet was from his best friend, before his mates were even in his life.

He immediately panics and scrambles through his room but comes up short. He thinks for a moment before deciding to check the living room incase he lost it while he was on the sofa. His frantic searching by throwing pillows about and blankets startles Hoseok and Jimin as they are busy on their phones, "Yoonie honey are you alright?"
Yoongi whines in response and shakes his head rapidly to indicate his stress to the alpha and omega in the room. His pheromones are going crazy as he starts tearing up thinking about never finding his bracelet again. Jimin whines and hugs Yoongi as the pheromones also triggered his distress. Hoseok prys again, "Honey I need you to tell me what's the matter otherwise we can't help you."
"S..se..seokie, Y..Yoon..nie's bracelet s' g..gone"
Jimin gasps and begins looking for it also because he knows how much that bracelet means to his Yoonie.

The possession symbolises the bond between Yoongi and his best friend that he had since a very young child. The friend was always there to stick up for Yoongi and make sure he was safe from alphas at school, his own pack and his own parents. Felix was basically Yoongi's soulmate (platonically). They were inseparable and did everything together. Unfortunately Yoongi was put through 'omega training' which was brutal and torturous and hasn't seen Felix since. Before they could be separated however, Felix had given him the friendship bracelet and he hasn't taken it off since. Felix was a beta so never had to go through 'omega training'. Instead the pack moved to Greece and so they lost contact. Either probably wouldn't know if the other were dead or alive and that's why Yoongi never takes it off as in honour of his best friend that he hopes is still alive.

The search is cut short as Jang casually enters the kitchen fumbling with the missing jewellery, trying to remove the charm as it sits on his wrist. The usually shiny and glossy accessory is now scratched and rough. The sight is too much for Yoongi's sensitive heart.

Now Yoongi doesn't often show his distaste or anger in many situations and usually stays quiet or alerts an alpha or just someone he knows can deal with the situation first. He likes to remain calm and bottled up to show that he is well mannered and well behaved. Although, he does have a few breaking points like if someone hurts one of his mates, his gets unfair punishment or forced into something he finds inappropriate and uncomfortable. In this case however, having one of his few but main prized possessions stolen off his wrist in his sleep and then tampered with and being worn by someone else is his breaking point.

Hoseok doesn't get further than two steps towards diffusing the obvious confusion Jang had accidentally gotten himself into, Yoongi is charging at the omega's throat in pure rage and growls (that don't sound very scary whatsoever to anyone above omega ranking) erupting from his chest and echoing into the room. The other two freeze momentarily, shocked by the outrageous outburst but catch up to the situation as the others run in at the sounds and smell of Yoongi's uncommon rage and pull the two apart. Yoongi has a deep scratch on his throat and a bruise on his cheek but Jang comes out with more bruises and small scratches. Thankfully Yoongi got his bracelet back and was feeling much more relaxed now he held it safely.

Unfortunately the others didn't share the same relaxing demeanour and is immediately scolded by more than scary alphas and betas. With everyone screaming at Yoongi about how bad of an omega he is, Jang sits there smiling at Yoongi with obvious mischief in his eyes, but everyone was too busy directing hatred towards Yoongi to notice. Except Jimin. At first Jimin looked angry and disappointed at Yoongi but he noticed in his peripheral vision a noticeable smile on Jang's face and suddenly the reason as to why the bracelet was gone in the first place became clear.

He attempted to stop the others and their seething anger but no one paid attention to him. He mouthed a 'sorry' to Yoongi and continued to tug on the sleeves or shake their arms/shoulders in hope of an answer. His methods fell short by the sound of a slap, the jingle of jewellery and then silence. He gasps at the scene. Jin had just slapped Yoongi across the face, said omega was silently crying with a look of terror on his face, and Hoseok had broken the bracelet causing a few pieces to fall on the floor. As he drops the remainder of the bracelet on the floor, Yoongi is brought back to reality alongside everyone else. He scrambles picking up the pieces and rushes to his room, slams the dirt shut, locks it and begins piling furniture in front of the door knowing they had a key. Jin attends to Jang who had continued his acting still angry and the others were sporting different emotions. Hoseok still seemed to be furious, Namjoon also looked angry, Jungkook looked horrified and sad at the whole ordeal, Taehyung looked disappointed but also shocked and Jimin...

A/N: poor Yoongi :(

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