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As the week progresses with Jang's presence, Yoongi's routine changes. He wakes up later then before, he gets painful cramps and he doesn't spend as much time with the others than he would like. He's been getting less attention from his mates and Jang had adopted half of his toys as his own. Yoongi begins to have more depressive thoughts about if he could be easily replaceable in the bond they share and wonders if they'll be better without him. Tae and Kook had tried talking to the others again in concern for Yoongi's mental health but it made no difference and they could only watch on and see the change in dynamics.

However, tonight is movie night and Yoongi is excited for it because movie night basically revolves around Yoongi and Jimin. He gets to choose the movie and everyone usually sits in an arrangement to be able to hug the two omegas and he gets to cuddle with Jimin again and giggle when their hands or feet make contact. He enters the living room to see everyone else gathering.

However, just as Yoongi goes to speak he gets interrupted.
Namjoon: "of course you can pick the movie Jang honey."
Hoseok: "Yeah I'm sure Yoongi wouldn't mind."

Yoongi stands there upset and looks longingly as he watches Jang pick a horror movie and cuddle up with Jimin. Tae picks him up and whispers "I know baby, I know." He cuddles him alongside Jungkook. Yoongi whimpers slightly but cuddles into them both more with slightly glossy eyes. Unfortunately his comfort doesn't last long when a jump scare comes up in the screen. He jumps and begins to shake in his alphas' holds. Kook tuts and Tae groans slightly. When everyone turns to them they are beginning to get up whilst still holding Yoongi. Everyone looks confused at what's going on until Jungkook says "why would we choose a horror, we know Yoongi can't handle them." He tuts again and rolls his eyes as he and Tae attend to the whimpering omega crying into Tae's chest.

They lay down in Jungkook's bed and cuddle him saying sweet words and promises of protection and feathered kisses as he drifts off to sleep. The two alphas give each other a sad look before going to sleep also. Downstairs everyone else returns back to the movie and Jimin spaces out slightly worried about his mate as he knows Yoongi is a highly sensitive being. He doesn't think about it much because Jang hugs him tighter and he's drawn back into the film. Jimin smiles and snuggles in continuing to watch the movie.

Yoongi has a night terror that night and ends up sporting a fever. He gets up to find himself no longer with Tae and Kookie, guessing they went to bed after a nap with him. He slowly gets up sweating all over and slightly dizzy. He shivers when removing his blanket at the exposure to the 'cold' air. He takes gentle, weak steps to the kitchen. He doesn't get far before he almost falls due to his haziness. He takes a moment to collect himself before moving again.

The others smell the weakened state of the omega and Namjoon is up quickly having the stronger sense of smell due to being the pack alpha. He gets to Yoongi and sees him breathing heavily and swaying. He decides to carefully pick him up in bridal positioning before travelling back to the kitchen. Yoongi doesn't register what's happening but recognises the firewood scent as his pack alpha and just snuggles in.

Once arrived at the kitchen, everyone kicks into motion at the sight of their sick omega. Knowing how bad the small boy can get and feel when sick, they have a system set in place. Hoseok is immediate on opening all the windows, allowing as much fresh air as possible. Jin is on thermometer duty and deciding which medicine is necessary for his fever. Taehyung goes to collect blankets and pillows. Jungkook starts the soup before Jin would take over later. He also prepares a wet flannel for Jimin to collect. Jimin gets the flannel and a glass of water for Yoongi. He brings it over to Namjoon who is releasing strong and calming pheromones in attempt to sedate his omega slightly, who is now sobbing, to a more comfortable state. This is done within a few minutes, as Jang sits there glaring at Yoongi, who seems to catch it and feels intimidated at the gaze. They settle Yoongi on the couch with a flannel on his forehead, a blanket over his knees and toes. He is put in-between Namjoon and Taehyung as they have the strongest scents. Jin and Jungkook soon bring the soup over and carefully feed it to the smaller boy, also swapping shifts with Jimin giving Yoongi small sips of water through a straw. Yoongi physically relaxes 30 minutes later and starts to drift after taking some banana flavoured medicine.

A/N: Feel free to correct me or ask any questions, I won't be offended.

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