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Cats outta the bag for this chapter.

⚠️Warning⚠️: contains mention of abuse (physical, sexual)! It isn't descriptive!!!!!!

I have edited this chapter but if you come across any mistakes, I apologise.
Enjoy the chapter💜

A/N: I couldn't remember when I posted the last chapter so if this is either early or late, sorry!

It was 10pm when everyone had settled down for the pack meeting. Yoongi had fallen asleep on the sofa an hour ago and Jang had headed off to bed shortly after.

Hoseok had assigned himself the seat next to Yoongi's sleeping frame to gently card his fingers through the fluffy locks of hair. He was also sat next to Jimin. The omega had tucked himself into Hoseok's side and buried his cheek into the alpha's chest, still able to see everyone else.

The others had settled themselves on the other two sofas and faced towards Hoseok. Their postures were leaned forward as they waited in anticipation, curious as to what Hoseok may want to discuss. What may have required a pack meeting without consulting Namjoon first.

Once he registers everyone's attention is on him, he begins the meeting.

"What I am about to discuss with you is both shocking and heartbreaking. When I explain what has happened, I expect you all to remain in a collected manner and not act out irrationally. If someone disturbs this precious sunshine's sleep, I won't hesitate to strangle you, understood?"

Hoseok speaks with such sincerity and viscosity, that indicates to the others that this is serious and they aren't going to like whatever he's about to tell them. They begin to fidget slightly and chew on their lips, nervous for what's to come, what may horrify them.

"Now ealier today, I had bathed Yoongi. Whilst doing so, I noticed that his body was littered in so many marks. Colours belonging to the pain someone had been causing him, someone that wasn't in the pack."

Checking the expressions of the listeners, he identifies anger in each heated gaze but also a type of calm, meaning he knows he can continue without an outburst for now. Just to proceed cautiously as to not rile anyone up.

"These marks were caused by a variety of things. Scratches, punches, kicks, probably some kind of objects, perhaps a type of weapon. Either way Yoongi seemed traumatised when I mentioned them, meaning that he is truly terrified of whoever is doing this to him."

He takes another small break to read everyone once again and let the information settle. Judging that it is still okay to continue, he does so.

"I had finally gotten the truth out of him with a lot of prying. I could tell he was very reluctant to tell me anything, possibly due to fear of what would happen to him if he did disclose any information." He flits his eyes down to Yoongi's sleeping frame, looking at him with soft eyes that scream pity and fondness.

"Jimin had also seen these marks when he cuddled Yoongi the day before, thinking it was you guys and your crazy sexual shenanigans, but he walked in on me and Yoongi after his bath and saw the whole thing. Meaning they were pretty bad.

Now Yoongi here, confirmed that the person doing all of this to him is...

(Dramatic suspense)

(Still dramatic suspense)

(Almost over dramatic suspense)


Now when he looks up, the others display clear disgust and anger for what had been happening to someone they love dearly from someone they brought in and trusted. However, their is also confusion amongst a couple of them. He assumes they are confused at how they hasn't noticed before.

Taehyung is bearing his teeth, not at anyone in particular. Jungkook who is sitting next to him, also angry, snuggles into Taehyung to calm him down. Namjoon looks calm and Jin looks shocked.

"Remain calm, there's more." The others pay attention again. Just this time with deep frowns, clenched jaws and bulging veins.

This time it's Jimin who speaks.
"At the dinner table today, Yoongi was pretty shaken by Jang's taunting with his phone. It turns out that Jang actually knows and is also in contact with Yonngi's dad. He was scared that Jang will bring him to his father or bring his father to him."

There's silence for a minute before Namjoon speaks a small 'what?'

"That's right, I know we never really explained to you guys about Yoongi's past in detail, but it was pretty horrific, I'm actually surprised he's doing okay now and not getting psychiatric help."

Jungkook decides to speak up in the thick silence. "Could you maybe help us understand a little, you don't have to explain too much just briefly of some of the things he went through?" He glances at the pale boy towards the end of his rambling question, sadly smiling.

"I really don't think I should, but at the same time you guys need to understand a little as to why Jang connecting with his father is detrimental to his wellbeing."

It's five minutes before Jimin speaks again.

"So Yoongi has never been looked after properly. He wouldn't get to eat often, bathe, sleep enough. He was also never allowed to speak or do anything even remotely educational. He would have to sneak into the library his pack had and read books there. There were also horrible things people did to him.... abusive things.... the worst things that you all are probably thinking of or picturing in your head right now."

"His father would allow it all to happen and sometimes join in. I don't want to get too into that right now. I think it's up to Yoongi if he wants anyone to know this. But let's just say that he was sexualised and abused from a young age. It wasn't until he attended school for the first time at 13, that I met him and managed to get him to speak. I would spend hours helping him learn how to pronounce words and write things down. Thankfully he was a fast learner but he could never pronounce the r's of a word, that's why he slurs when he talks."

"His father basically sold him off to his clients, a specific one in fact, Kyle. Now please, I'm begging you to never say his name to Yoongi, he will have a panic attack. Y-Yoongi was o-only f-f-f-four-fourteen when hi-his dad sold his v-v-vir-virgin-virginity to K-Kyle."

Jimin takes a few deep breaths to gain back his composure after beginning to sob, thinking about the pain that his precious baby had to go through. His best friend. The others sit in shock at the new information. Tears blurring up, breathing laboured and tight grips on their clothing.

"That's why when he told me, I took him home. Explained enough to my mum for Yoongi to be able to stay. We always entered his data information as Park incase his father would come looking for him. Apparently it worked for a long time... until now."

A/N: I'm thinking of writing another book soon, after this one is finished. I'm planning on the book being Jungkook central. It'll be bottom JK. However idk what ship it will be.

I was thinking of Vminkook originally, but I also like Jungkook X BTS. Not entirely sure yet but comment what you guys want to see.

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