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Warning: the author dislikes Jang!
This chapter is edited. Hope you enjoy!💜

Slight Rewind:

-This chapter differs in perspective and isn't Yoongi focused.

(Both Jungkook and Taehyung are out shopping and not present in this chapter.)

"Can I ask a question?"

All attention directs to the dark haired boy. 

"Why... why does Yoongi not like me?" His tone is dejected. The others immediately feeling sympathy for the boy. Not liking to see anyone upset. But also eager to know where this conversation is sprouting from.

"I'm sure Yoongi doesn't hate you, he just needs to warm up to you that's all." The leaders tone is soft, trying to sound kind and heartfelt in his explanation. Namjoon tries to avoid upsetting the sweet boy any further than he already seems to be.

"Yeah honey, you just need to hang around with him a little more." Jin also attempts to calm the boy's mind a little.

"No Yoongi said he hated me." Jang interjects the excuses given by the others. Almost urging them to defend their mate. Begging for a reason to show his defiance. They all look over to him in confusion.

"What?" Hoseok is baffled. Yoongi doesn't like using that word because it's so strong. He also doesn't like being aggressive towards others. It's very unlike him to do so. He doesn't think he could ever hear Yoongi say that word under any circumstances.

"Are you sure sweetie?" Jin pries further. Genuinely trying to understand the accusation.

Jang mentally applauds himself for peaking their interest. Eager to see the reaction he's going to witness from them all. "Yeah, um... when I went to say sorry to him about the whole argument thingy between everyone a while ago, I wanted to see if we could be friends but he told me to go away." He releases a dramatic sigh with a pout, hoping to continue getting pity from the boys. Trying to manipulate his tone of voice to sound like he's also sharing their confusion.

" I probably should've given him time alone but I really wanted us to be best friends. Then when I tried playing with him, he kinda... um he pinched me and pulled my hair, then he told me he hates me... and that you guys hate me too. You don't hate me right? I know I talk a lot and aren't as cute as him and Jimin but I hoped we were at least friends." He pouts afterwards.

"Of course not sweetheart, we could never hate you. You're too cute for that. Don't worry, we'll talk to Yoongi okay?" Hoseok looks to the everyone as he says this, conveying his intentions in his gaze. The others knowing that it means to sort this out as soon as possible.

"Okay." Jang smiles brightly and the others coo at him for the small dimple that forms on his chin.

"Now I feel sad. Can we all go and take a nap upstairs and cuddle." He gives them an eye blinding smile that is definitely forced, not that they notice, causing them all to smile too. Each and every one of them revealing their pearly whites.

"Sure hun, let's go." - Namjoon.

They all huddle into the room and under the covers. "You won't let Yoongi hurt me anymore right? I'm scared he'll really hurt me. Even though it was only a pinch and a small tug, I'm worried what he'll do to me next time, he looked really angry and scary."

With furrowed brows and disappointment in the younger's actions, they all reply promising to protect the boy. All quite angry and upset with the youngest boy's behaviour. Considering to monitor the black haired boy and have a serious discussion with him later or perhaps tomorrow.

Gradually falling asleep one by one in the warmth of the cotton blankets, forgetting about two other omegas. Both being left out to do their own thing. Leaving Jang as the last person to submit to the temptation of soft linen and deep comfort. With a sly smirk and a few new ideas concocted in his head, about half an hour later, he is able to relax into the dream filled void.


Jimin wanders into the room with a stuffy and his hand fisted, rubbing his tired eyes. He slowly pads his feet towards the bed that is smothered in limbs and scruffs of hair. Releasing a small smile at the content feeling bubbling in his chest, the bond everyone shares is swelling in his heart at the knowledge of everyone all sleeping together. Huddled close, barely fitting.

He spots a small gap on the edge of the bed next to Jin and proceeds to climb up carefully to not wake anyone. Taking feathered approaches when adjusting himself and snuggling into the warm bodies mangled together. He takes a deep breath as he fully relaxes into the mattress and allows himself to sleep alongside them all.


He is awakened to the sound of the bedroom door opening and closing. He gently flutters his eyes open to see who had caused the noise.

His pupils fixate in two figures, one he recognises as Hoseok and the other as his small gothic companion, Yoongi. He smiles warmly at them both until he notices the Omega's state. Now worried slightly, he tilts his head and gives a confused look to Hoseok.

"Yoonie didn't know where we all were and got a little freaked out, didn't you sweetie?"

Jimin immediately looks at Yoongi, sensing the boy's discomfort. He sees Yoongi nod his head and look down slightly.

Jimin carefully gets himself off the bed without causing too much disturbance. Gently sliding his bottom off the mattress' edge and placing his socked feet down on the carpet.

He rushes over to the smaller boy and hugs him tightly for a while. Attempting to lower the boy's nervousness and instead encourage the boy to giggle.

The blonde haired boy puckers his plump lips and squishes himself against Yoongi's small frame, giving him a large kiss on the latter's pouty lips.

A/N: I heavily dislike Jang.

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