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Apologies for any mistakes I didn't have enough time to read through thoroughly.

Jimin sat cosy with Hoseok waiting for Namjoon to join them. Jimin was craving cuddles and he was close to throwing a fit if he didn't get them soon.

Hoseok was running his fingers through the boy's hair. He had already apologised to Jimin and bribed him with candyfloss and now the two were back to normal. Jimin wasn't entirely happy with Hoseok still not having apologised to Yoongi but he didn't want to push it.

The blanket over his legs was soft and tempting him to go sleep there and then but he was determined to get cuddles and watch a film. He wanted to get his Yoonie down here also. However, he knew that with the current situation it wasn't fair on the omega and so shouldn't drag him downstairs to sit with him.

He was concerned. Yoongi hadn't acted this way in a long time and when he did act this way Jimin knew why, although sometimes he wish he didn't. He doesn't want to imagine his baby to had gone through all of that, the abuse, the sexual assaults and the torture. His baby didn't deserve it.

Namjoon finally came in when Jimin broke the thought chain of Yoongi and his terrifying past. The alpha sits beside Jimin and allows the boy to snuggle up into him and scent him as a way of getting more comfort. Namjoon beams at the boy and kisses his head before turning on the movie. The two alphas showered their omega with kisses and praises while watching the film to watch him giggle and blush each time.

Shortly after the film ended, Jimin had fallen asleep. They carried him up to his room to bed as it's getting slightly late now.

Once tucked in they both give the boy a kiss on his forehead and an 'I love you'. They quietly left the room and turned to each other with a grin. A suggestive one. Namjoon winks at Hoseok before leaving in to kiss the boy. Hoseok is blushing but reciprocates the movement gently.

The timid friction soon grew as the two proceeded to Namjoon's room looking at each other lustfully. They close and lock the door before making out heavily and messily. Tongues scraping into each others mouths with an eagerness and fire burning below.


Jin cringes at the noise of the two alphas next door and plugs in his earphones continuing to scroll through YouTube, finding something interesting to watch.

Once he finds a video he grabs the crafting stuff he gathered earlier and began his best attempts at a sorry card. He knows it wasn't enough but it was a good place to start on his apology to the small boy a few doors down.

He decorated with a smile on his face at the thought of everything settling back to how it was before. He also thinks about Jang, he likes the boy a lot and wants him to stay longer than whatever is planned. Jin doesn't know how long he'll be here, he just hopes it's a long enough time to grow closer.

It's late when he finishes and so he gets ready for bed. Slipping under the covers before slowly relaxing his eyes and body. He drifts off to sleep.

A/N: leave suggestions if you'd like to see something included in a future chapter as this book is open to many ideas. I prefer keeping it Yoongi based but side chapters for other character are welcomed.

I don't know whether or not to write on when the omega's are in heat as some may find it offensive or do not like the idea of it. I'll decide closer to the time.

There are some chapters up ahead that will be filler chapters focusing on a different scenario between other characters but can still contribute to the overall story progress.

I hope you're enjoying this book so far, feel free to vote and comment on anything you like or dislike, criticism is happily welcomed.

Over the next few weeks updates will be slow as I have a few mock exams and a funeral to attend that will take up my time, but I will still update fairly often. I don't have an update schedule but I usually find enough time to write and upload so don't worry, chapters will be produced fairly quickly I hope.

If you have any questions for me, feel free to comment or send a message and I'll happily reply.

Thanks for reading and I hope you're enjoying the story so far.

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