Caved In

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Arabella's POV

"Gooch! Schwoz! Don't leave!" I yell as Gooch and Schwoz scurry out the door, leaving Henry and I alone in the store.

"Let's try to cheer Ray up!" Henry suggested, but they were gone. "Come on, guys, you won't even look back at us!"

Charlotte was standing at the door heavily confused by what was happening and approached us.

"What are Gooch and Schwoz running from?" She asked us and I sighed.

"My dad. Because he's in a really bad mood." I tell her.


"Because it's his super anniversary." Henry replied.

"Super..." Charlotte trailed.

"It's his anniversary of when he as eight years old, when he got densitized and became indestructible." I explained to her, as Henry and I take out the items from the box Henry brought up.

"Ooh, fun! We should celebrate!"

"No!" Henry and I exclaimed and her fade fell.

"I mean 'No.'" Charlotte corrected. "But why not?"

"Ray hates his super anniversary." Henry informs her.


"Because when my grandfather realized he was indestructible, he took him out of school and started training him to be a superhero." I explained to Charlotte, putting a vase on the self.

Charlotte put on a duck mask. "Yeah."

"And now he feels like he missed out on on all the fun of being a kid." Henry continues for me.

Charlotte removed the mask. "Aw, that's so sad."

"He never got to go camping, ride roller coasters, he never learned how to ride a bike." I explain to her and sigh.

Charlotte shrugs. "Hmm. My uncle Roscoe never learned how to ride a bike."

"How come?" Henry asked.

"Because when he was a kid he already weighed four hundred pounds." She responded and this confused me and Henry. "The bikes just couldn't take it."

"Poor bikes" I comment and she nodded.

The door opened and a little girl walked in.

"Hey." I greet. "Need some help?"

"I was just wondering if I can try out that piano over there." She asked.

"Sure, go ahead." Charlotte tells her and the little girl goes over to the piano.

"Will you help me organize these bamboo-"

Before Charlotte could finish my dad came marching in.

"Hey. Hey, hey!" He snaps. "What's all the racket out here?!"

"Oh, it's just a customer checking out the piano." Henry informs my dad.

"Hey! Hey you!" My dad calls and gets the girls attention. "Haven't you learned how to play that crummy song yet?!"

The girls face fell and she ran out of the store crying and we turned to my dad with disbelief.



"Must you torture the children!" Charlotte berates my dad.

"Ah, just forget everything!" My dad groans and walks away. "Stupid super anniversary-" He stops when he picks up the loose knob off the counter. "This knob is still loose! Oh!" He slams it back down and storms off, muttering to himself.

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