Henry and the Bad Girl Part 1

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Arabella's POV

My dad and I were scrolling through photos of graffiti that the Wall Dogs did all over the city. My dad and I hate the Wall Dogs, they are just punks who like vandalizing the city for their amusement. Not gonna lie, they are talented, but they need to express their artwork somewhere else and not over other people's property. It's disrespectful.

My dad wants to find those punks and take them down. All I know about the Wall Dogs is they are young teenagers and that there are a lot of them. They're a gang basically.

The door opened to the store and Henry and Charlotte walked in.

"You guys are late for work." My dad tells them as we stand up.

Henry pulled out his phone. "It's only three thirty-one."

"We're one minute late." Charlotte shrugged and I walked around the counter to them.

"Yeah. You know how much crime can happen in one minute?" My dad asked them.


"How much?"

"Don't get him started please?" I begged Henry and Charlotte.

"I don't know!" My dad snapped. "But none of us are gonna rest until we catch these dang Wall Dogs!"

"Okay! Chill out!" Henry assures my dad.

"It's just a graffiti gang." Charlotte scoffed and we walked passed my dad.

"That's right! And graffiti is a crime!" My dad exclaimed.

"Are you okay?" Charlotte asked my frantic father.

"Because we don't know why you're this upset about graffiti." Henry reasoned.

"Do you want to get it?" I asked them, knowing why my dad's upset.

"Do you?!" My dad cried.

"I don't know." Charlotte shrugged.

"I really don't care either way." Henry added.

"It was thirty years ago..."

"Oh boy." I sighed.

"Long before I was indestructible and adopted Arabella. Oh that day..." I could tell my dad was having a flashback and I partly listened to his story.


My dad finished his story and his face was full of sadness. It's a sad story, but I've heard it a million times and I'm tired of it. This is why I want to catch the Wall Dogs, because that story is killing me.

Also because they are punks and need to be stopped.

"I never forgot it."

"Dad, we'll find the Wall Dogs and we'll stop them." I assured my dad who sat on the sofa.

"But they say there's a bunch of them." Charlotte reasoned. "How are we going to stop them all?"

"Easy. You want to kill a snake, what do you do?" My dad asked.

"Get a shotgun." Charlotte answered and we looked a her.

"No. Jeez." My dad said.

"That's a bit hostile." I say and Charlotte shrugged.

"I meant, to stop the whole gang, we just have to capture the leader of the gang." My dad explained and this made sense.

"Ah." We say.


We went down to the Man Cave and my dad searched the Swellview Criminal Database for the Wall Dogs leader. He found it and clicked on a video.

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