Secret Beef

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Arabella's POV

"Okay, next criminal." Henry said as the three of us were scrolling through the lists of wanted criminals.

I scrolled to the next criminal and it was man named Malkoff.

"They call him 'Malkoff'" I informed.

"He steals dogs then shaves them and sells their hair to wig shops." Charlotte reads.

Henry groaned. "Sick weirdo."

"I know." I agreed.

"Guys! Guys! Hey! Hey!" My dad came sprinting from the sprocket. "Any messages come in for me while I was in the bathroom?"

So, my dad and Henry stopped the Time Jerker two weeks ago and my dad spoke about Montego's on an interview after he and Henry stopped the Time Jerked. My dad is incredibly anxious to try the steak from Montego's, because he loves steak and wants to try that specific steak more than anything. Montego's a fancy restaurant that requires special reservations to be able to eat at. I've never been there, but it would be awesome to eat at.

"No, dad. that restaurant still hasn't called you." I denied.

"Ding dang it!" He exclaimed, waving his arms and legs around frantically.

"Dude, if you want steak let's just go to Back Out Steakhouse." Henry suggested.

"No!" My dad complained. "Anybody can go to Back Out Steakhouse! I want to go to Montego's."

"Oi vey." Charlotte sighed and I rolled my eyes.

"Daddy, I want you to sit down, relax, and finish your juice." I told my dad and sat him down next to his juice. My dad picked up his juice and sucked it down.

"There you go, don't you feel better?" Henry asked him.

My dad shot up. "I just don't get it! I said it on the news two weeks ago. I said, "Feel free to invite me to your restaurant, Mr. Montego." And you know he heard about me saying that, you know it!"

The emergency hotline rings and my dad lit up like a Christmas tree. "Oh, maybe that's Montego's! Move, move!" My dad pulled me out of the chair and Henry caught me as my dad sat down and answered the line.

"Hello, Captain Man hotline. What is it, please?" My dad answered, politely.

"Hello? I'm calling from the Swellview Home for the Elderly."

"Ahh, you're not Montego's!" My dad hung up of them and marched out of the chair.

"Dude, you can't hung up on people like that!" Henry berated.

"Especially elderly people!" I add.

"That could've been an emergency." Charlotte remarked and the line rang again, but Henry answered it this time.

"Yeah, hi, what's your emergency?"

"A man broke in here and stole all our money and our clothing. We're all here naked. Can you come help us?"

"I'm sorry, did you say you're all elderly and naked?" Henry asked with confusion.

"Yes, that's right."

"Sorry, wrong number." Henry ended the call and we continued on with our day.


So, Henry get an invitation to Montego's for saving his teacher from bleeding to death from stepping on a large nail, so she rewarded him with a gift card for two at Montego's restaurant.

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