Scream Machine

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Arabella's POV

Charlotte wanted to show us a project she was working on and Henry and I were busy making out while she was finishing it. I was sitting on his lap at the monitor and we've been making out for a few minutes. We make out very often, but I'm not complaining.

Henry and I pulled away and he smiled at me. "You're a great kisser."

"I know." I say and I connect our lips again.

"Okay, I'm here, what's up?"

Henry and I pull away when we see my dad and Schwoz walk out.

"Oh, Charlotte wants to show us the new project she made for The Gizmo Show." Henry tells my dad, lightly massaging my back.

"Gizmo Show?" My dad asked us.

"What's a Gizmo Show?" Schwoz asked us and I got up from Henry's lap.

Henry stood up and followed me over to my dad and Schwoz. "Oh, it's this huge competition they have every year where kids bring all kinds of cool machines and inventions they made and they show it to the..." Henry trailed off when Schwoz began yawning. "I'm sorry, was I boring you?"

"Yah, a little bit." Schwoz remarked.

"Okay." Henry said and I rubbed his back.

"No, he's just tired because he hasn't slept in two days." My dad reasoned.

"Yeah, but Henry was also being boring." Schwoz mentioned and I giggled, earning a nudge from Henry.

"True." My dad nodded and Schwoz walked by us, yawning.

"Why hasn't Schwoz slept in two days?" Henry asked.

"Cuz he was binge watching that mini series about OJ." I tell Henry.

"Mmm, the one about the big trial from the nineties?" Henry questioned.

"No." Schwoz denied.

"The one about orange juice." My dad told Henry.

"Yeah it's called "OJ: From Farm To Glass."' Schwoz informed.

"Hey, have you seen the episode yet about how they remove the pulp-"

"Shhhh! No spoilers!" Schwoz exclaimed, covering his ears.

The elevator doors open and Jasper walks in. "Is it time to see Charlotte's thing yet?"

"Jasper!" Henry and I exclaim.

"You're supposed to be upstairs in Junk-N-Stuff, working." My dad informed Jasper.

"Yeah, dude, what if a customer walks in?" I asked Jasper.

"Oh, it's okay, I left a sign saying: 'Be Right Back."' Jasper reasoned.

"And hello!" We all turned to see Charlotte had emerged from the large tarp covering her project. "As some of you know, for the last three years at The Gizmo Show, my projects have won second place prize."


"All right."

"So interesting."

Schwoz yawned and Henry wrapped his arm around me.

"But this is the year that Charlotte goes number one." Charlotte declared and my dad snickered.

"So you're gonna pee?" My dad asked and we all began to laugh.

"She's going pee! Hahah!"

Our laughter dies down, when we see Charlotte glaring at us heavily.

"I call my project..." She raced over and pulled the tarp off her project. It was a large machine with a hula dancer attached to it. "The Scream Machine."

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