The Trouble With Frittles

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Arabella's POV

I had just arrived at school and I went up to my locker. I opened and I saw a note attached to the door. I peeled off the note and opened it, my face fell at the sight.

'You're weird and no one likes you. You're way too skinny, you look like a boneless chicken. Gain some weight, ugly b****'

I felt tears form in my eyes and they dropped onto the offensive letter. I crumbled the letter and stuffed it inside my locker, before shutting it. I quickly ran to the bathroom and luckily no one else was present, so I had some time to look at myself.

I am aware that I'm more of a skinny and boney human, and don't have a lot of weight on me. I eat a lot of food, but I don't gain anything and I just so happen to not be incredibly tall. I'm five foot one and I've been told I'm gonna be around five-three or five four, so I'm not terribly short or tall. I was just born with a boney body and people out there want to bully me because of that.

It hurts. Not gonna lie, this really hurt me.

I can't avoid this, it's high school there's no way around the bullying.

I wiped my eyes and the makeup that ran down my face. I looked like I got hit by a bus and I suddenly felt empty in the inside. I didn't feel happy like I always do, something inside me was dying.

It was my happiness.

It's stupid to think that one little comment can do so much damage to me. I need to tell someone about this, but I have no idea who sent that note. Also, it could be more than one person.

Once I fixed my face and looked decent enough, I left the bathroom and I saw Charlotte by her locker. She saw me and gave me a smile.

"Hey, Bella!" 

"Hey, Char." I greeted her and her smile faded.

"What's wrong? Where's your usual happy smile?" She asked me and I gave her my best smile.

"Right here." I chuckled but she didn't believe me.

"Bella, what's going on?" She asked me and I shrugged at her.

"It's nothing. Just a little under the weather today"

"Do you expect me to believe that?" Charlotte asked me and I raised an eyebrow. "I'm serious, you better tell me or else I'll call Henry."

"Fine." I sigh. "I'll tell you."

I led her over to my locker and opened it. "I got this note."

She took the note from inside the locker and read it. Her face was full of shock and anger as she read and she looked up at me.

"Oh my god." She gaped and I looked down with sorrow. "Bella..."

"Who would do that?" I asked, looking up at her. "Who would write something like that?"

"I don't know, but none of this is true." Charlotte hugged me and I hugged her back. "You're amazing."

"Thank you." I tell her and a tear slipped from my eye. We pulled away and she wiped my tear away.

"But I think Henry needs to know."

I groaned and shut my locker, walking by her.

"He's your boyfriend." Charlotte reasoned as we reached her locker. "He needs to know."

"But, I should be able fight my own battles." I argued with her. "I don't need a guy to fight them."

"I love the independence. It's something I admire about you, but Henry also happens to be a superhero."

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