Live and Dangerous, Part 2

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Arabella's POV

Piper and I were still watching the pimple popping videos and it was so gross, but I couldn't stop watching them.

The front door opened and Jasper walked in, wearing a robe and had wet hair.

"Hey, guys!"

"Henry's not here!" Piper exclaimed, before walking into the kitchen.

I think it's just Jasper that ticks Piper off, because she was alright with me. It's just something about Jasper that irritates Piper.

I sighed, standing up, "he knows that. Sup?"

"Well, I was gonna hit the town tonight, check out the action." Jasper mentioned and I nodded, not believing him.


"But in the middle of my shower, a water pipe broke in my house, so I came here." Jasper finished and I folded my arms.

"And did that really happen? Or were you just feeling lonely, so you came over here cause you had nothing to do?" I asked him.

"Oh, pizza." Jasper said, dodging my question and taking off his robe, which made me confused because he had on regular clothes.

Piper's computer beeped.

"Hey, you got an alert." I tell her and Piper picks up her computer.

"Huh?" She checks it. "Oh, Frankini's about to start a live stream!"

"Interesting." I grin as Jasper and I sit down with Piper.

"Yeah, I wonder if Frankini's gonna have any special guests on the live stream." Jasper smiled, as he nudged my leg and I gave him a look to make him stop.

"Well, we're about to find out." Piper said as the video loaded and on screen Frankini, my dad, and Henry appeared. "You guys! Captain Man and Kid Danger are with Frankini!"

"Oh!" I smile.


Piper turns the screen toward us and I noticed my dad and Henry were wearing some odd looking pants.

"Okay! Welcome to a surprise livestream with my insanely special guests: Captain Man and Kid Danger!" Frankini introduced and music began to play as my dad and Henry gave us very odd waves.

"Uh, what are Kid Danger and Captain Man wearing?" I asked, still wondering about the odd pants they had on.

"I don't know." Piper said.

"Now, to entertain you, my friend, Captain Man, has asked if he and Kid Danger could perform a scene from his favorite movie." Frankini pretended to swim toward us. "A Swim to Forget."

That is not my dad's favorite movie.

"Is that Ray's favorite movie?" Jasper whispered to me and I shook my head.

"No." I whispered back, a little worried.

Frankini left the screen and my dad and Henry prepared for their scene.

"What is happening?!" Piper asked.

"Why would they be doing a scene from that movie?" I asked and Piper gave me a look.

"And now, a scene from A Swim to Forget."

My dad pretended to swim as Henry gasped and pulled him out of the 'water.'

"Oh, no! No, Tiffany! No! No! Come here!" Henry pulled my dad onto the couch. "No! Come on! Baby, stay with me!"

The three of us were highly confused by this and didn't know what to do.

Captain Man's Daughter (Henry Danger)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant