License To Fly

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Arabella's POV

Charlotte and I were currently in the Man Cave and we were locating the villains that my dad and Henry were after. The Ballerino Brothers, a ballet dancing duo. They bring disgrace to the ballet world.

We called my dad to warn him and Henry about them.

"Go for me." My dad answered.

"Okay, it's confirmed, you're looking for the Ballerino Brothers." I told him.

"I hate those guys. You know, their not even brothers-"

"I don't get why you won't even say-"

"Do you get that I am on the phone!" My dad exclaimed to Henry, who interrupted him and Charlotte and I rolled our eyes.

I heard my dad gasp. "You do not snatch my phone like that!"

"Here we go." I sighed.

"Will you please just teach me how to fly the Man-Copter?" I heard Henry beg.

"What have I told you about using your lighting-quick reflexes to snatch my stuff?" My dad questioned Henry and they began to argue, until the call randomly ended.


The following day, I was performing a diagnostic test with Charlotte on the helicopter my dad rented for Henry to practice his piloting skills. My dad was very reluctant on letting Henry fly the Man-Copter or any helicopter to be exact.

I've flown the Man-Copter, I'll just leave it at that.

As I setting up the test, I suddenly got stabbed in the eye with a book.

"Owww!" I cried and Charlotte looked at me.

"What was that?" She asked and we walked over to the boys, who were in the helicopter.

"Who threw this manual?" I asked them, touching my eyeball.

"Uh-uh, some guy." My dad stuttered and I gave him a look.

"Girls, will you please finish up this diagnostic test so we can get this thing up in the air? Thank you." Henry rushed me, not even caring about my eye.

"What was that?" I asked him and Henry flinched.

"I'm sorry!" He panicked and I shared a look with Charlotte. "I love you! Please take your time!"

"That's better." I grin.

"But, seriously, can you finish it?" Henry asked me with a soft smile and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever." I say and Charlotte takes the manual from me.

"Here's ya manual." She slammed it down on my dad's groin and he grunted in pain.


We walked away after that to finish the test.

Moments later, the helicopter's blades began to spin and Charlotte and I were nearby, feeling the powerful winds.

"Ahhhhh!" We cried. "Turn it off!"

The helicopter slowly turned off and our hair was a complete mess. We walked over to the boys with our messy hair and gave them a heavy glare. Henry saw my hair and bit his lip with guilt.

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