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As the week passed, Y/N's mind would drift to the little card she had tucked away in a drawer. But each time she would start to panic. What would happen if she called? What information would they need? What if the escort laughed at her, she'd have so many stupid questions. On the one hand, she was over-thinking. But she also had genuine concerns and worries and it wasn't exactly a topic you could call up a friend and talk about.

And Jin was sad because he realized that however Y/N had been made to feel that night, it had hit some kind of nerve and she was caving in on herself in insecurity and doubt. But he'd extended her the lifeline, it was her choice to take it.

He really had no intention of talking about it ever again, but Friday night they were both staying late and he busted into her office without knocking. They tended to get more casual in the evenings when most of the staff was gone.

"I think the review department needs...." He glanced up only to stop mid-sentence, seeing Y/N with the business card he'd given her in hand. She quickly let go and it fluttered down onto her desk. Her other hand was holding her phone but she firmly placed it on the desk. "Sorry...I interrupted."

"You didn't interrupt anything."

"I can leave...."

"I wasn't going to call." She said firmly and he was puzzled. He had no idea how many times today she had tried to work up the courage to dial and then backed out.

"Oh." There was an awkward pause before Y/N cleared her throat.

"I can't call." She said almost as an afterthought as she stuffed the card back into one of her drawers.

"You can't?" Despite himself, the question slipped out. She shook her head and laughed but it sounded hollow.

"You know how I feel about phones." Oh. OH. He could've mentally smacked himself. She hated talking on the phone. Of course she wouldn't call. That's one reason why he was here in this position, so someone could talk on the phone. He stepped forward and placed his tablet on the desk, before extending both his hands. She looked up at him curiously as he made a grabby motion.

"Your phone and card, please." He was sure he saw relief flood her eyes as she dug the card back out, unlocked her phone, and handed both to him.

And he made the call.


This was the weirdest request that Jimin had ever gotten and the lady had made sure to tell him Jin had called. That's why it was being handed off to him. The service knew the names and voices of all his brothers. Sometimes they used the service themselves, but sometimes they needed to get a hold of him and he couldn't interrupt his work unless the number was the service. Most of his clients were either closeted, wealthy men or housewives who hadn't been sexually satisfied in a long time. And that's why this request was so weird. It had been something along the lines of "giving someone more experience", whatever that meant.

This was his first meeting with the client today, to establish what exactly what was desired, how often, how much, any boundaries, etc.

The first thing that surprised him was that Jin opened the door for him. He blinked. This was definitely not Jin's penthouse.

"Hyung, what...." Jin put a finger to his lips before gesturing him inside. "What are you doing here..." He asked as Jin closed the door behind him.

"This is actually my first time." Jin admitted. Since he made the call, since he was more familiar with this then she was, he had sweetly insisted he be here for the first meeting to "show her how to do this right". On some small scale, show that some men wouldn't laugh at her. He had suspected they would most likely send Jimin, knowing his friend like he did, so he hadn't been surprised when he opened the door.

"What's going on? I was just told "more experience"..." Jimin stopped talking when Jin made a valiant attempt to not snort.

"That's not exactly what I said over the phone." He was still speaking in hushed tones and checking behind them every once in awhile.

"Okay, well what am I here for then....some other desperate housewife who can't accept her husband is cheating on her and is trying to convince herself she's still desirable?" Jin looked him up and down before giving him a smack on the back of the head.

"YAH!" Jimin rubbed the back of his head.

"Lose the attitude, seriously. You're becoming jaded, Jiminie."

"Yes, hyung." Jimin grumbled. "Seriously though, what's going on." Jin checked again to make sure Y/N was still in her room before sighing.

"Y/N has no experience, Jimin. No experience whatsoever. And she won't exactly come out and say it but she is fucking terrified of even trying. She's convinced herself that she can't even ask for help." Well....this was new.

"Why are you helping her?"

"Because it'll suck to come in every day knowing this is crushing her soul."

"Wait... Y/LN Y/N? Like....your boss?" Jin nodded and Jimin's eyes grew wide.

"How the hell..."

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