There's More Than One Asian Country

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A/N: As I said in the introduction, this book would deal with heavy themes.  Including racism.  That starts in this chapter and it is portrayed in as ugly a manner as racism is.  If you find the topic sensitive, no judgment, I recommend you skip this and the next couple of chapters. 

They had both seen some pretty fancy, expensive parties in Seoul, but both were still blown away by the grandeur when they arrived at the hotel hosting the opening event with Jungkook. Taehyung's schedules were done for the day and the man had volunteered to come along to act as a translator, just in case Jimin couldn't be with Y/N all the time. There were famous business people from all kinds of industries and celebrities everywhere.

"Holy shit." Jimin said for the second time that night. He and Y/N turned to look at each other. Both we really belong here? Do we belong next to these household names and magazine front covers? Y/N took a deep breath and squeezed his hand. Then she set her lips in a straight line and they both stepped forward at the same time.

Surprisingly, they were identified almost right away and whisked off to join a group of people interested in Asian business. But then another designer spotted Jimin and walked over, introducing himself, and before he knew it he was being dragged away from Y/N with Jungkook right behind him. He was so thankful for his friend and his command of English at this moment. He hoped maybe Jungkook could make some good contacts for himself as well.

"I love your jacket." Someone said and Jimin beamed. "It's such a unique design."

"Thank you. It's inspired by my country's history." He said politely.

"It's amazing that you managed to take something so culturally valuable and incorporate it into such a modern cut." Jungkook sighed, inwardly cursing these people and their big words. But he translated anyway. Jimin's smile grew bigger and he bowed slightly, accepting the compliment.

"That can be so hard to do in the fashion world." Another person commented.

"Yeah, remember the Met Gala? When someone thought kimonos were Chinese?" Several people chuckled.

At first it was fun, Jimin, being a social butterfly, was enjoying meeting all these new people. But finally it had been several hours, and he hadn't seen Y/N at all during that time. He politely excused himself from his current group of people, to the relief of Jungkook, and scanned the crowd.

"I haven't seen her." Jimin frowned at Jungkook's words. "But I need to use the bathroom." In Korea, Jimin would've teased Jungkook about needing his hand held. But in Korea, Jungkook wouldn't be worried about leaving him alone for a couple minutes.

So after looking and figuring out where they were, Jimin found himself idling, hands in pockets, right outside the hallway that led to the bathrooms. There were less people here, but a couple of the people in the area looked at him and started whispering. He frowned but decided since they were speaking too fast for him to understand he wouldn't worry about it.

That is until a young man, probably just a little older than him walked up to him.

"Hey, you're that "high-class" Chinese whore, aren't you?" Jimin stiffened. He didn't understand everything but he definitely recognized the word "whore". There was a laugh behind the man and Jimin realize it was several men about his age. The one talking to him exuded casual power, like he was used to getting his way.

"Pretty sure he doesn't understand English, Roy." One of them said laughing.

"Ching-chong, doesn't know ding-dong." Another laughed. Now all that Jimin understood.

"Excuse me." He said quietly, making to move towards the hallway and wondering what was taking Jungkook so long. But he was stopped by a hand roughly grabbing his arm. He tried to shake it off and the hand gripped him tighter. He turned to look at this Roy guy. "Let me go." He said sternly, looking the man in the eyes. Roy and his friends laughed.

"Maybe Ching-chong does have some ding-dongs." He mocked. Jimin tried to shake him off again but Roy wouldn't let go. "Hey, I'm talking to you." He said more roughly.

"Let me...." Jimin was slammed back against the wall. The area grew a little quiet and he saw the few other people in the area that weren't a part of Roy and cohorts scurry away. Fuck. He tried to shove Roy but to his complete shock the man rammed his fist into Jimin's face, making him see stars for a second.

"Let me explain to you how things work around here, you filthy, yellow slut. I'm in charge. And people like you don't come here." He hissed at Jimin. Jimin was pretty sure he had a cut in his mouth. Roy was talking too fast for him to understand everything, but he could understand the sentiment.

"Why?" He spat back.

"Because this country wasn't made for your kind. Especially your kind when you suck dick." The hatred Jimin saw on this man's face scared him. It wasn't even because his safety was in jeopardy, it scared him that people existed who could hate the sight of someone else because of a physical characteristic they had. Even with the many people among Seoul's elite that he disliked, even with Lee, it was very hard for him to say he hated someone. So seeing the face of hatred staring at him so casually was scary.

He tried to shove again and was rewarded with a fist to the stomach. He grit his teeth, ignoring the pain, and punched Roy back but immediately was grabbed by two of his friends who held him down. Roy wiped his mouth and then spit on him and Jimin tried to throw the man's friends off. And it was just ignored. The people who could see it backed away until they were at a safe enough distance that they could pretend nothing was going on.

"I think he needs to be taught a lesson. We don't want wannabe Chinese f*gs in this country." Roy jerked his head and a third friend lifted Jimin by his legs. He tried to yell, but a tie was shoved in his mouth as he struggled and was followed by Roy and Roy's last friend. It had felt like hours since Roy had approached him, but it had only been two minutes at the most.

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