The Person

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"I need to ask you a question, before we start." Jimin was in his boxers, having just climbed onto the bed, and Y/N was in her bra and underwear, which he was soon going to be intent on removing.

"Yeah?" She was breathing a little heavily from the make-out session they'd gotten into as soon as they stepped into her apartment.

"When we first started these sessions, one time I....I don't know. I had a bad reaction from you. I gave you a massage. Remember?" He looked at her seriously. "Why?" Y/N looked uncomfortable and looked down. But he had a point. This was the starting point for a whole lot of other stuff, hopefully. But he needed to know about anything he could potentially trigger, to avoid doing so. The goal was to get her to open up, not give her further reasons to shut down.

She bit her lip and rubbed the back of her neck.

" can't really have someone put a lot of pressure on my back. Especially if I can't see the person."

"What if you can see them?" She shrugged.

"Maybe. It's hit or miss. It seems to vary based on my emotional state." He nodded. He was curious to know more but he didn't need to for his purposes. He should let it lie. He crawled over to her, smiling slightly, honing in on her lips. But before he could taste them she gently pressed her palm to his chest and looked at him nervously, but seriously.

"I used to be around someone who would get mad at the most unpredictable things. Sometimes I found out by suddenly having my neck grabbed." He could tell by her voice there was more, a world more behind those words. But that was enough. Whatever it was, he wouldn't make her relive the whole story for his curiosity. He pecked her lips.

"I'm sorry. But you don't have to worry about that here." He frowned, thinking of something else, and reaching down to grab her hand reassuringly.

"Can I ask another question?" She bit her lip nervously again but nodded.

"When we ironed out this contract..." He looked down at their hands locked together and then looked up at her again. First her lips then her eyes. " didn't seem particularly fond of being called names. If you don't want to answer....has someone degraded you in the past?" Her body stiffened for a brief moment and he saw her lips tighten, but it was gone almost as soon as it had been done.



"It was humiliation. I wasn't just called names, there were witnesses."

"Oh." Again, not his place to ask more questions. But whoever had done those two things....he hoped they weren't in Seoul and in her life anymore. It pissed him off.

He gave her a passionate kiss on her lips and smiled reassuringly. "We won't do that either then." He said, before sliding his hand behind her neck and proceeding to have one of the most intoxicating nights of his life.  Yes, his life.  Because he was probably enjoying this more than even her.
It wasn't the experience. It was the person. As much as he tried to convince himself was the person.

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