Kiss Like The French (18+)

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Jimin had questions but Y/N made him wait until they were sitting in her living room, devouring the chicken she'd ordered, before answering them. It really wasn't that remarkable of a story, although Jimin did burst out laughing when she made her sea cucumber comparison, slapping his thigh. Seriously, this woman.

"I'll show you how it's done. Right after this." He said, motioning to the meal on the coffee table. Y/N scrunched her nose up and threw a napkin at him.

"Yah, brush your teeth first." She didn't like kissing someone whose breath wasn't fresh, so Jimin had his own toothbrush in the bathroom. His response was to put more chicken in his mouth and then pooch his lips at her. She made a face and he laughed before taking a sip of his beverage.

At times like this, before he really got into why he was here, his heart felt so full. When he lay in bed at night that nagging question of "why" would come at him. But he wasn't brave enough to answer that question. He tried to avoid asking it at all, but sometimes his brain was stubborn.

"C'mere." When they were done and both had made their whites pearly again, he leaned over the couch to take her face in his hands and gently pressed his lips to hers. His kisses were soft, designed to get her into it before his tongue swiped over her lower lip, silently asking for permission. She tensed momentarily and he gently stroked her jaw with his thumb, reassuring her that it was okay to be hesitant. His kisses became more passionate until she finally opened her lips just a little.

Jimin was teasing, his tongue gently prodding hers before disappearing back in his mouth. Teasing. That's all he did. Letting her know that what she'd experienced wasn't how it should be done. He felt her smile against his lips and he pulled back, smiling too.


"Mmmmm." She looked like she was thinking his question over. "I wouldn't say I'm the biggest fan. But it was definitely ten times better than that guy." Jimin smirked.

"Of course it was." She playfully slapped his bicep.

"What are we doing today, my seducer?"  Jimin pretended to stop and think it over. 

 "I think today I'm going to teach you to ride." He said, before kissing her again and taking her hand in his.

They discarded their clothing on the way to the bedroom, passionately making out with Jimin occasionally flicking her tongue with his. They were both breathing heavy but Y/N moaned first when he pushed her back onto the bed and fell on top of her, letting his growing hard-on rub against her thigh and alternatively sucking, biting, and kissing her neck. He smiled against her skin and let his hands take their time, slowly moving lower but skimming over every inch of skin along the way, squeezing her breasts, teasing her nipples, massaging her stomach, rubbing her hips...

"Jimin." His name escaped her lips in a soft gasp when his fingers found the spot he was looking for and he buried his face in her neck, just letting himself feel her moving under him, arching against him when he pressed deeper and rubbed harder, breathing heavily at just the thought of what he was going to be having her doing. "Ji..." He kissed her and absorbed every moan she made as she came undone under him.

"Now, now, what have I taught you. You always think we're done and we're not." He teased when she closed her eyes. She made a small noise of discontent and he chuckled before wrapping his arms around her and flipping them both over, with her a sweaty mess on top of him. "Come here..." He always had to stop himself from saying some type of pet name to her. It was hard to resist. But she had insisted he resist. At the end of the day they were client and clientee and she didn't deem it professional.

Jimin would've argued that nothing they were doing was really professional, but then he wondered why he was trying to argue about this and decided to just not.

So he kissed her until she'd recovered enough to sit up on him, and it was his turn to moan as her fingers wrapped around him and firmly stroked. He helped her shakily lift her hips up and then lower herself down onto him, biting his lip and inhaling loudly, his own hips tensing as he attempted to be slow and not just shove her down onto him. If she didn't have time to adjust, that could hurt. Despite her progress, Y/N still tensed up easily and it showed sometimes in how long it would take her to adjust to him. On the other hand....once she was adjusted it felt reeeeaaaally good for him.

"God, oh my god..." He whispered, laying his head back and letting himself just feel when she was finally settled on him, both her warmth and her wetness. "You have no idea how good you feel." He said, mostly to himself. And then she moved and he moaned her name loudly, fingers digging into her hips to push her up a little so he could thrust back in. He took his time, showing her how best to move, helping her so her legs wouldn't get too tired.  He was paid to show her how to pleasure him best.

"Y/N....oh my god...." His warning was lost in a string of curses when he finally came, head thrown back, her lips on his neck as he tensed and then slumped under her. Normally, Jimin was in business mode, not really allowing himself more than a momentary daze after orgasming with a client. But Y/N made him feel safe, made him feel like he could take the time to revel in what he'd  been made to feel seconds ago. He closed his eyes and just breathed, squeezing her tight with his arms so she couldn't go anywhere. She kept her pressed her face into his neck and gently kissed, before shifting and settling down on him. They dozed off like that.

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