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Jimin hadn't been expecting such a strong reaction and he pulled back, feeling like he'd been slapped across the face. His head was spinning. He knew some clients were ashamed to be seen with him but most didn't vocalize it so emphatically....

Y/N turned her head to look at him, eyes wide. "I would never subject you to that." Jimin frowned, the slight sting from feeling like his profession was being judged giving way to confusion.

"Subject me to what?"

"If I tell her you're my friend she'll spend all night trying to set you up. If I tell her you're my date she'll spend the rest of the night interrogating you and never stop badgering me about how things are going." Oh. Oh. Once again, Jimin found himself puzzled by the woman in front of him. He couldn't put his finger on it, but for this....she didn't want him to go because of the inconvenience it might provide for him....and a bit for her. But the fact that he was included in these calculations at all shocked him.

He managed to quickly cover up first the dismay he'd felt, and then the surprise and rerested his head on her shoulder. He didn't miss her quiet intake of breath before she got a hold of herself. He smiled, enjoying the fact that he was affecting her, and letting his hands drift over her knees.

"You know." He said softly, the sound of his voice more intense as his breath hit her ear. "This is session five." Her breathing changed again and he bit his lip, stopping his mind from rushing ahead too quickly.

"Yeah, it is." Was that a little breathiness he heard in her voice? He gently nuzzled her neck and ran his hands up her thighs slightly, just enough so when she stiffened she couldn't act on her automatic reflex, which would be to move.

They stayed in that position until Y/N's body gradually relaxed.

"See, not so bad." He mumbled into her neck and felt her nod in response. He relaxed too, just taking in the scent of her perfume and allowing himself to be temporarily distracted from the insanity of life. He was here, alone with a beautiful woman, her body pressed against his, both of them letting the stress of the day ebb away. And getting paid to boot.

The time ticked by and Jimin realized their session was drawing to an end. This was good progress all things considered but a part of him....a part of him wanted to push it further. He felt like he wasn't doing his job by sitting and talking to her. She was interesting, he liked hearing her stories and thoughts. She flattered him by pretending to be interested in him, a little too well. He wondered if she'd ever taken a shot at acting. This was all well and good but he had been hired to get her experience and she....wasn't. Which in his mind, meant he was failing.

It was these thoughts that pushed him to press a gentle kiss against her neck. When she didn't push him away he kissed her jaw, and then finally her cheek. She turned slightly to look at him and he could see a faint dusting of pink on her cheeks. She looked into his eyes, then down at his lips, then into his eyes again. And he smiled slightly, cocking his head before leaning in slowly. He kept his eyes open, letting his lips and breath barely brush hers, pausing to make sure she wasn't feeling overwhelmed.

He didn't expect the comment that came out of her mouth.

"If you jam your tongue in my mouth, I will fucking bite it off."

Jimin couldn't help the snort that escaped him and covered his face in embarrassment, trying in vain to hold in his laughter. Y/N wasn't laughing, her facial expression unamused.

"I'm serious and you won't be laughing if I do."

"I...I...." Jimin took a deep breath but couldn't keep the smile off his face. "I know.....I just didn't expect that to come out of your mouth." He took another moment to get control and then slid his palm behind her head, now that he was confident she was okay with this. "Is that what you think kissing is?" He said more seriously. He hoped not. That would seriously be gross. He hated it when clients did that to him.

"That's been my only kiss." She admitted. His eyebrows shot up and he paused.

"That's horrible." Was all he could muster. He looked into her eyes. "Let's fix that." She tensed as he gently pressed his lips to hers, her lips not responding at all. But Jimin was sure it was simply lack of knowledge, not unwillingness. "Just copy me." He mumbled, demonstrating how he wanted her to respond to his touch.

She was hesitant at first but a fast learner and Jimin allowed his eyes to flutter closed, enjoying this undemanding ending to his busy day.

When his time was up he pulled away, giving her a small smile. "You catch on quick." He complimented, enjoying her blush but also the grin that had spread across her face.

Y/N was ecstatic inside. She had kissed someone. She had enjoyed it. She had done a good job. Even though he was paid, it looked like Jimin had enjoyed it too.

She had been too tired to care when Jimin re-positioned her and had appreciated his understanding in letting her get used to sitting like that before moving on. He was persistent, not pushy, and suddenly the money she had spent on these sessions thus far seemed worth it.

Kissing him made her understand why people wanted more. She wasn't ready tonight but she felt a surge of confidence, that she would want to take the next step when it was time. It was a marked change in her attitude from how she had walked into her apartment feeling.

"If someone thinks sticking their tongue in your mouth is kissing, run away from them." Jimin said in a teasing tone, but she knew he meant it as she walked him to the door.

"Hey, one sec." She entered the kitchen and came back with a pen and notepad, hastily scribbling some numbers down, then ripping the page off the pad and handing it to him. He took it, browed furrowed slightly.

"The code for my apartment. So you don't have to stand outside waiting, next time." Jimin kept his face carefully neutral but once again, she caught him off guard. He remembered times where he'd been left waiting for long periods of time, no updates, nothing, once even in the rain, before some valet or butler was sent to grab him. Times where his client has received an unpleasant surprise visit, usually from a wife or husband. He'd accepted it as part of the job, but her consideration touched him.

"Thank you." The door closed behind him as he walked towards the elevator, almost in a daze, staring at the paper clutched in his hand.

This woman was something different.

The EscortOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora