First Meeting

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It was supposed to only be a couple hours, the call-in Y/N had received. Normally she didn't take them, there was a reason she hired a few people to work weekends. But this particular problem was thorny and she didn't relish the bigger mess she would've walked into on Monday.

Maybe secretly a part of her was hoping to be so caught up that the time she was supposed to be spending with Jimin would slip by. But she steeled herself and left half an hour before he was due to show up, making it home a couple minutes before the doorbell rang. She'd thrown on jeans and a fitted blouse this morning and hadn't bothered changing for work. So as her fingers attempted to coax her hair into a bun, she opened the door to be greeted with a sight designed to make any woman instantly wet.

When Jimin did makeup he wasn't gaudy, but he sure knew how to use eyeliner and his eyes were slightly smoky. His top was white and flowy, with a slight v that dipped and exposed a bit more of his chest than an adjumma would think appropriate. He wore tight, black jeans that accentuated both his thighs and butt, giving you a glimpse of how fit he was. His outfit was topped off with a black choker, that had a tiny diamond, and silver dangle earrings. He screamed sex.

Y/N looked him up and down for a second, her mind instantly going into its default mode. He wanted her to desire him, so of course that part of her mind would shut down. She was good at reading people and what they wanted. She was also slightly stubborn and sometimes couldn't help not giving them what they wanted just for the sake of it. Having dealt with so much manipulation in her younger years, she supposed it was an unfortunate by-product of that toxicity.

She met his eyes and he smiled, but there was no kindness behind them. He knew how he looked and he was gauging her reaction. To his disappointment, she continued to struggle with her hair and jerked her head in the general direction of the living room.

"Come in, sit down, sorry I literally just got home...." Jimin followed her, eyebrow cocking slightly.

"Just got home?"

"Work emergency. I was supposed to have all day to relax and catch up on some reading but alas...." He had to resist a snicker as she sighed melodramatically before, finally, her hair was in place and her hands were freed. She gestured to the bag he was carrying.



"Great. Want anything?" Once again, Jimin was caught slightly off-guard.

"Uh....I'm good thanks...." She shrugged.

"I want tea, I'll be right back." Jimin hesitantly sat down and pulled out his tablet, pulling up the contract and setting the device on the coffee table. This Y/N was different from the one he'd encountered last time. The last one was welcoming but reserved. This one was welcoming and chattery.

"So....where do we start?" She asked, sitting down across from him. If Jimin leaned forward a little more, he'd be able to see straight down her blouse. He mentally smacked himself. Contract first.

"Did you look over the draft I sent you?" She nodded, sipping her tea.

"Anything you wanted to change?" She paused, cocking her head in thought, then shook her head. "I kept it general, as we explore more and you figure out what you're okay with we can always revisit and draw more concrete guidelines."


"What do you want me to call you?" Y/N frowned.


"What do you want me to call you?"

" name....?" Jimin could see that she was seriously puzzled and had no idea what he was really asking so he looked her in the eye.

"My job..." He motioned to himself, " to fulfill...." he motioned to her, ..."your fantasy. Some of my clients prefer Mistress or Master, Ma'am or Sir, Mommy or Daddy...." He spread his hands in a 'don't care' gesture and leaned back. " what do you want me to call you?"

"My name." He was surprised at how firm her tone was. And her next question surprised him too. "Do a lot of your clients not want you to say their name?" She seemed genuinely curious and that threw him. Actually, scratch that, this whole session was starting to throw him.

"No, not really. It makes things a little more....intimate than they'd like."

"Oh." She seemed to think that over. "If it makes you uncomfortable you can call me something else but otherwise you can seriously just say my name." He blinked. Had she seriously.....he chided himself. Most of his clients, when he walked in, knew what they wanted out of him. They already had a fantasy picked out. So of course she'd need guidance on this. He smiled at her.

"I'll say your name, Y/N. It's beautiful." To his surprise, he got a little smile back before she gestured to the tablet.

"What else?"

Half an hour later it had been finished and signed.

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