The Meeting

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"Don't ask." Jimin knew from what Jin had said at their weekly evening get-togethers that Y/N was intensely private.

They heard the sound of a door opening and closing and both grew quiet as Y/N suddenly appeared in the living room doorway. Inside she was quaking and tense, but on the outside she was the perfect hostess.

"Ah, you must be my visitor, welcome. Manaseo bangapseumnida." She stepped forward and offered Jimin her hand, bowing slightly as they shook, to his complete surprise. "Do you want anything to drink? I have water, tea, coffee...."

"Uh....." Jimin blanked for a second before recovering. "Tea would be nice."

"K, give me a minute. Make yourself comfortable." Y/N returned two minutes later and Jimin gratefully accepted the cup from his lower position on the couch, mentally caught off guard. He had not expected a meeting like this at all. What was this sorcery? Yes, normally his clients were polite, they did want him to do their bidding after all, but this was like....dropping by to have a chat with a neighbor. Or something. He'd never actually done that but he imagined it would be something like this.

He didn't like feeling out of his element. He wanted to maintain control. No matter how much he was degraded, at the end of the day his clients needed him. And he held onto that knowledge with tight fingers.

He blew on the steaming liquid before placing the cup on the coffee table and leaning forward, offered his characteristic, charming smile. The one that usually made the ladies melt. The one that would hopefully help him regain control of the room.

"So what can I do for you?" Y/N gave him a slight smile of her own but there was....literally no other reaction. Jin was sitting next to her and leaned forward, clearing his throat. His manner was purely professional and Jimin wondered if Y/N knew they were friends. He made a mental note to ask later.

"I think she probably requires a....teacher. She has no sexual experience whatsoever so she just needs someone to help her get comfortable, figure out what she likes and dislikes, etc." Y/N's face remained passive but Jimin detected her jaw tensing slightly. He'd never really had anything like this before but he didn't think it'd be any problem. Experiment with someone? He unconsciously licked his bottom lip, allowing his mind to wander for a second and imagine what she was wearing under her robe and the things she might enjoy at his hands....

"Okay, well you've certainly come to the right person." Jimin crossed his legs, knowing that the skin-tight fabric of his jeans allowed you to see the muscles bunched underneath. Always a massive turn-on. Yet again, Y/N showed no visible reaction. "I can help with that. Work you up towards sexual encounters, help you explore and figure out what you like and don't like, what your boundaries are. Is that what you're thinking?" They both looked at Y/N who nodded but said nothing. "How often would my services be required?" Jimin pulled out his cell phone to start taking notes, uncrossing his legs and leaning forward slightly to allow a glimpse of collar bone, and maybe more, courtesy of the top couple buttons of his shirt being undone.

"I'm not sure yet." Y/N spoke this time, her voice careful and controlled. Interesting. She didn't even glance at his shirt.

"It would depend on how quickly you get comfortable with things then?"


"My schedule fills pretty quickly so could you give me an idea of your availability and when you'd like sessions, how long you'd like them to be? The next one will be the most important, that's where we'll finish refining our contract and sign it. Discuss the more intimate details of this arrangement." Y/N pursed her lips in thought. Jimin took the time to study her again. He was literally doing all the normal things to be charming, his easy lilt, adorable smile, the casual exposure of his body which was always on display for the entertain of others. And Y/N did not seem to be reacting to any of it. It weirded him out. But he felt he should try, not only because Jin seemed so invested in this, but because he wondered what she would be like once he got her to loosen up in their future sessions.

"I'm available next weekend." Jimin pulled up his schedule. One of his clients had had an unexpected dinner party come up so their session had been canceled. Most of his other clients would be there as well so he had a couple hours in the late afternoon/evening on Saturday.

"I have an opening for early evening on Saturday."

"For how long?"


"Okay, please book it." Jimin's fingers stilled and he looked up.

"The...the whole time?" His facade briefly broke in confusion. Most of his clients didn't schedule him longer than an hour, maybe two. Get in, get out, too long of a time meant a better chance of discovery.

"Yes." Well...he wasn't going to complain about the money.

"I'll draw up a draft contract, we can go over it then. We'll make the adjustments electronically and then can sign it." He pulled a small but thick booklet out of his pocket and placed it on the coffee table. "Here are some things to think about, along with a sample contract and my fees." There was a pause.

"Is there anything else?" Jin turned to look at Y/N who bit her lip thoughtfully before shaking her head.

"I can't think of anything."

Jin walked Jimin out.

"God, she's frigid." Jimin said as soon as they were in the elevator. Jin smirked. He had observed Jimin's normal, flirty way of doing things and the lack of a reaction that had resulted.

"She's very...."

"Does she have emotions?"

"Yah, Jiminie. She does, she just...." Jin paused. "She keeps them under tight wraps. I've only seen her emotional a couple times and I did feel a little sorry for the people who provoked it. They were assholes though."

"Anything else I need to know?"

"She's a good conversationalist." Jimin snorted.

"Yeah, sure seemed like it." Jin shot him a look and Jimin stopped. His contempt for his clients was becoming more obvious but he could tell Jin got along with this one and was not appreciating the attitude.

"I mean that she gets you talking about yourself. Honestly..." Jin hesitated. "She's terrified. I don't think you're going to make a lot of progress in your first couple of sessions. Let her get to know you, or at least the parts of you that you're comfortable with showing to your clients. She's going to have to perceive you as non-threatening and your charms won't matter, trust me. I know almost nothing about her personal life but I've worked with her long enough to know how she works internally."

"Why would she perceive me as a threat?"

"She's never directly said anything, except for her club encounter the other week and what I've observed at work, but I can tell she hasn't always had the best experiences with men."

"Club encounter?"

"Guy wouldn't take no for an answer." Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Great. Hate those." The elevator stopped and the doors opened.

"I don't want to hear the details but if you need general advice or want to know how her mind can ask me."

"Thanks, hyung."

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