People Can Be Ugly

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TW: Racism, mentions of sexual assault

When Jungkook came out, he was puzzled to see Jimin nowhere in sight and the groups of people that had been near the bathrooms farther away, looking nervously towards the bathrooms. He approached one couple.

"Excuse me, have you seen my..."

"We don't want any trouble, boy." The man grabbed the woman with him and they walked away swiftly. He got the same reaction from several other people and he stopped, looking around in exasperation. He tried walking further into the crowd, seeing if maybe Jimin had been "kidnapped" by other designers who hopefully were speaking slow enough for him to understand. People glanced at him nervously at first, but the farther into the crowd he moved the more they ignored him. Like nothing unusual was going on. Jungkook stopped. He spun around.

He stood on his tiptoes to try and see farther.

When he came out people were avoiding the bathrooms and the surrounding hallways. And they were still avoiding them. He saw one woman move towards the bathrooms and another one stop her, shaking her head. Bathrooms....they were staying away from the bathrooms and hallways....

Jungkook started to get a sinking feeling that something was terribly wrong. He walked back through the crowd, turning around once or twice to see if anyone was looking in any direction in particular. He saw one young woman look away, realize what he was doing, look back, and then look towards the farthest hallway on the left. She looked back at him and then looked again. Then she turned back to her party.

There were only a couple doors and they were all the way at the end. As he hurried down he heard a gut-wrenching scream from one of them and what sounded like a body getting pummeled. That scream embodied agony. That scream embodied pain. That scream sent shudders down his spine. He heard more sounds from the door closest to him on the left and grabbed the doorknob. He wrenched at it, it wouldn't open, so he banged on the door.

"Open up, open the fuck up!" He yelled, only to have the door suddenly fly inward, sending him sprawling on the ground. Jungkook would never forget what he saw when he looked up. It was the stuff of nightmares. There was Jimin, jacket ripped off, white shirt torn with blood stains, pants and boxers torn, being held down by two men with another on top of him. A third man stood by with a broom, handle up. This was the one who had opened the door. There was a fourth laying on the ground, unconscious, his face beaten and bloody.

Jimin was struggling but craned his neck, eyes widening in horror when he saw Jungkook. His face was bloody.

"KOOK, RUN!" He screamed at the horrified Jungkook, who instantly came to his senses. He wanted to stay, he wanted to get Jimin out of there, but these guys were strong and had tools. There was only one person he could trust right now. He shoved off, getting to his feet and instantly taking off back down the hallway.

"Get him! Get him!" The guy dropped the broom and instantly took after Jungkook. One of the men holding Jimin chuckled.

"One more to play with." He banged Jimin's head into the floor as the other let go briefly to slam the door closed and lock it.

"Hmmmm, now where we?" Roy grinned maliciously.


After Jimin had been dragged down the hallway he'd been tossed into the room they were currently in, hitting the wall and stumbling back, trying to punch the first guy he saw. Instead he got another fist to the face. Now he was just pissed. He was tired of bullies. He yelled and rammed headfirst into the guy, pinning him against the wall and hitting him over and over, even when the others tried to pull him off. It took all four of the others to wrestle him to the ground with the adrenaline boost he'd just gotten, and they only succeeded after their friend was half-conscious and slumped to the floor.

Jimin was held down as Roy kicked him in the stomach over and over and stomped on his face twice.

"You." Kick. "Stupid." Kick. "Filthy." Kick. "Ch*nk!" Roy yelled. He leaned down and grabbed Jimin's chin, forcing him to look at him. "You people are like vermin, crawling around, sucking resources from those of us who already have them!" Jimin coughed and continued to struggle. "You're nothing!" Kick. "You think you can just come in here and what?! Look pretty?! Spread your legs?! Steal our money from us?!" Kick. Jimin was pretty sure he had at least one broken rib. He was in pain, lots of pain. Roy snorted. "Hey, you know what?" He stood up straight and licked his lips. "You think that's all it takes? You think we'll give you our country? Our wealth? What, if you just bend over and give it to us? Well, fine." He grinned. "If you want it that bad, I'll give it to you." Jimin didn't understand until Roy started unbuckling his belt. Roy's friends laughed when they realized Jimin had just figured it out.

"Let go!" He yelled in English, panic washing over him. One of them ripped his pants and then his boxers down, forcing him to lay down on the floor, planting his knee firmly on Jimin's back. Jimin's hands were roughly tied with the tie from earlier. He tried kicking, he tried screaming, he tried bucking, but all he got were laughs. One of them started joking about how a broomstick would be a nice round two.

In the middle of all this they heard banging. Jimin was too panicked to realize who it was at first, but when he turned to look and saw Jungkook he understood when people said they lost their minds. He lost his, imagining what would happen to his dongsaeng if these men got their hands on him.

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