Nothing's Good Enough

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"It feels like it's been forever!"

"Oh my god, so dramatic." Nicole rolled her eyes but still pulled Y/N in for a hug. Her friend squeezed her back before they parted and ordered their drinks.

"How's life?" Y/N asked as they seated themselves in the small cafe. Nicole instantly started ranting about a couple students at her hagwon and Y/N internally sighed. She loved Nicole, she truly did, but the woman had a glasses half-empty attitude and always found something to complain about. It was emotionally draining. But she was a good friend so she kept her thoughts to herself and listened attentively.

After an hour though, she was exhausted. Again, she loved Nicole, but the woman did not understand how to be brief. She was sitting through a comparison of Nicole's date last night with a previous boyfriend and.....was there a polite way to say she didn't give a shit about the guy's eye color? Nicole always bemoaned her lack of luck when it came to romance but then consistently obsessed over physical details, with character coming second-place in in her calculations. Y/N had attempted to point this out once and had gotten a whole lecture on how there was no point in dating someone if you weren't physically attracted to them. She could've said a lot more in reply on the matter but it was Nicole's life so.....she said nothing.

"But enough about me. What about you? Have you taken a vacation yet?" Y/N shook her head, fingers wrapped around her empty coffee cup. She needed to leave soon, Jimin would be stopping by for a session tonight. Things had a way. He would always attempt to get her to open up but it made her uncomfortable so she always found a way to turn it around on him. They'd progressed to hugs and Jimin had started letting his hands roam in an attempt to get her used to more intimate touch.

Sometimes she wondered how he avoided laughing at her. She was embarrassed by how her fears controlled her and her lack of experience. She had wondered if he'd give up after the massage incident, but he had been on her doorstep the next session, smile as bright as ever.

She liked him, she wasn't afraid to admit it. He was attractive and nice. It might just be an act but as long as he kept it up and she got what she wanted, she didn't care. "You work too much." Nicole declared emphatically, breaking Y/N out of her thoughts. Y/N shrugged, now too tired to really carry a conversation. She just wanted to go home. She loved Nicole but meeting like this felt like an obligation most days. Nicole also tried to do things on the weekends but Y/N had dodged it the last couple of times, citing exhaustion from all the meetings she'd been traveling for. Nicole's idea of hanging out usually involved guys and parties and no matter how many times Y/N said it, Nicole didn't seem to understand that Y/N didn't like it.

"Yeah, I do. Speaking of which, I actually need to get going." She smiled apologetically on the outside, but on the inside she was sighing with relief. Nicole whined and protested, but Y/N didn't have an open-ended evening so she finally left with her friend grumbling behind her.

On the subway, Y/N rubbed her temples. She had a massive headache. She wasn't sure if it was Nicole's incessant talking or the caffeine or the business of the cafe. She felt like shit. She always felt like shit after leaving a meeting with Nicole. She mentally ran through the list of things that had been commented on this time. She worked too much. She was too dramatic. She must be asexual since she didn't squeal in delight at the picture Nicole had shown her of her new beau's abs, a source of continued annoyance for Y/N. She was quite capable of looking at men sexually, she just didn't see the point in letting her hormones run rough-shod over everything. She didn't have a problem with anyone who was asexual, everyone was different, she just didn't like being misidentified and almost.....sometimes Nicole's tone sounded almost mocking when she brought it up. Y/N had never seen how being asexual would be a bad thing so she failed to find it funny.

She'd dressed too preppy for the cafe. The bags under her eyes were too dark. She felt extraordinarily self-conscious as she entered the elevator of her building. Her thoughts were a whirlwind as the door opened and she realized Jimin was waiting for her, outside the door.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Jimin opened his mouth to assure her it was alright, that he had just gotten here only a couple minutes ago. But he stopped. They might only have had a couple sessions together, but he could tell something was wrong as she frantically punched in her door code and swung it open. "Sorry, I lost track of time. I'll just go get changed...." She gestured towards the living room and scurried off.

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