Y/N Views Things Differently

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"It's no problem." Jimin called after her. He was getting paid either way. He sat down on the couch and spread his legs, waiting for her to come back, leaning his head back against the couch. He was tired too. One of his clients had booked him extra long and been a little more rough and he could feel twinges in his back. He'd be sore tomorrow.

"Do you want something to drink?" He smiled slightly. He couldn't get over the fact that she treated him like a guest in her home, instead of an escort she hired.

"Do you have soju?" The sound of clanking bottles as she swung the fridge door open.


"Can we do somac?"

"Yeeeeesss." She sounded way too enthusiastic.

She sat down next to him with the bottles, setting them on the coffee table. But before she could arrange everything, Jimin leaned forward to uncap the soju while she took care of the beer and poured them two tall glasses.

"To finally relaxing." His hair was falling in his eyes and he had a cute smile as he offered the toast. Y/N smiled back and finally let herself relax a little. She felt like she'd been rushing all day. "You look tired." He observed, giving her an opening to start talking. She nodded and closed her eyes. She always felt more tired than normal after meeting with Nicole.

"Yeah, it was busy at the office and I met a friend for coffee today. That's why I was late."

"Lost track of time?" Jimin threw his arm across the back of the couch, letting his fingers rest against her shoulder. He kept trying to get her used to little touches.

"I guess." Y/N mumbled, her mood immediately slipping. Something he noticed.

"You know....you don't have to tell me if you don't want to but it's a good way to get to know each other better." He gently reminded her of the reason he was here. "I'm a good listener." He added.

"Yeah, I guess you have to be, huh?" His hand had moved to the back of the couch and she rested her head back on it and closed her eyes, formulating her thoughts. He let his thumb gently rub against the side of her head and hummed as he waited. "My friend. She...." Y/N didn't know how to explain it. She opened her eyes and licked her lips. "It's hard to explain to people." Jimin stayed quiet, still waiting. "She....she is a good friend. But...." Y/N sighed. "She's so stupid when it comes to boys." Jimin chuckled but continued listening. "All she thinks about are looks. Like she says she cares about character but it always seems to be the last thing she cares about. We'll meet a decent seeming guy in the club but she won't go for him cuz his voice sounds too weird. Or he's slightly pudgy. Or he's Korean." Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Your friend doesn't like Korean guys?"

"She doesn't find most Eastern Asians attractive." Jimin hummed his response before shifting and placing his somac down. He gently tugged on Y/N who looked at him curiously as he guided her to sit between his legs and then lean back against him. When he picked up his beer again she decided to just ignore it and continue. "Like I said, she always seems to find the immature guys. Cuz you know if you think about it, the kind of guys who flaunt how they look tend to be younger and immature. And she likes military guys." He felt Y/N shudder against him.

"You don't like military guys?" He didn't either. He still remembered being out with a client in Itaewon and learning several new English slurs from some drunk, American, military guys. Learned, as in they were shouting at him.

"Not foreign ones. Well, mostly. The ones Nicole likes are usually who I encounter and I have to listen to her whine about how they play hard-to-get and how immature they are but she keeps picking them...." Y/N's voice trailed off as Jimin gently rubbed the top of her thigh.

"It sounds like she's not very wise." He said gently, to get her focus back on what she was saying. Y/N sighed and nodded, taking a huge gulp of her somac.

"Nope." She popped the "p". "I shouldn't be saying this but she brings it on herself. Sometimes I wonder if I'm encouraging it by letting her vent to me, but I'm one of the few friends she has...." Y/N sighed again. "And I love her but she complains so much." She laughed. "Kinda like I'm doing." She said more quietly. Jimin rested his chin on her shoulder.

"I don't mind."

"I shouldn't be a hypocrite..."

"It sounds like you spend a lot of time taking care of her. It's okay to vent about it as long as you don't go around spilling all the garbage to everyone you know. Besides...." His voice took on a mischievous edge. "I'm good at keeping secrets." Y/N laughed a little.

"She wants me to go to a party again." Y/N tipped her head back and downed the rest of her somac before licking her lips. Jimin kept his eyes on them. He thought about them a lot. He was sure it was cuz he knew he'd have to get her comfortable with kissing, but a part of him wondered if it was cuz right now they were like a forbidden fruit to him. Something he was working his way up to.

"Are you going to?"

"No." Y/N snorted. "I fucking hate parties."

"So even if you get comfortable with everything parties can lead to, you still won't go?" Y/N shook her head so he pressed his lips against her ear, feeling her stiffen slightly as his warm breath tickled the area.

"Even with an escort?"

"Hell, no!" 

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