Constant Surprises

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His plan had been to surprise and distract her but unfortunately, Jimin's body had other plans. He'd quietly let himself in. Y/N was on her balcony, book in hand, a mask partially covering her face. She was wearing glasses, so it didn't cover her nose, and breathing through her mouth so it still filtered the dust out. Jimin would've smiled at how silly she was being, but his body ached and his face was tender.

Nevertheless he plastered a smile that he hoped didn't look too painful on his face and opened the door to the balcony, stepping into her peripheral vision and then leaning down, taking her face in both hands, and giving her a passionate kiss.

And that's when his body betrayed him. Instead of being able to get into it, he felt a sharp pain and his leg gave out in response. He caught himself on the arms of her chair before crushing her, but she got a good look at his face and the hiss that accompanied his fall definitely sounded pained.

"Are you okay?" Her voice was worried as she put her book down and gently turned his head to look at his cheek. "What happened?"

"Nothing, I'm good." He tried to smile but when he tried to get up again his leg wouldn't cooperate and he sighed, a feeling of frustration washing over him. "Goddamnit." He cursed, closing his eyes.

"Jimin. What happened." Y/N used her no-non-sense-CEO voice, standing up and helping him into the chair she had just vacated. He hung his head, feeling miserable.

"I'm sorry, it's your session but you're not gonna get your money's worth because of the last one...."

"Jimin." She lifted his head, examining the bruise more closely. For once, he felt small in her presence, like she was the one in control. He sighed again, knowing he couldn't get out of this and closed his eyes in acceptance.

"My last client got carried away and I had to use my safe word. Then I told him I was ending our contract and he lost it on me. I tried to reason with him but not only did he not pay me, he hit me, and had me thrown out of the flat...." Y/N said nothing, just left, coming back a minute later with an ice pack which she held to his cheek. "I'm sorry, I'll look at my calendar and reschedule a discounted session to make up for this. I think I can still do stuff if I sit...."

"Fucking hell, Jimin." Y/N looked at him with wide eyes. To him, he didn't understand what the problem was. He was providing good customer service.

But to Y/N, someone had just been robbed and assaulted, not to mention was in physical pain because another person couldn't take no for an answer. If there was one thing she believed deeply in, it was justice. And this was unjust.

She bit her lip as she thought her options over. She thought about calling Jimin a taxi, but she was worried about his ability to take care of himself once he got home. On the other hand....she was just his client. If he didn't want that then she couldn't stop them.

"You just got beaten up and you're worried about my appointment?!" Jimin blinked up at her, his brain slow in processing. Y/N sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Hey, you need to rest. You can't be up and around exerting yourself. Do you want to take a bath? It'll help with the pain. And I have painkillers." Jimin blinked again.


"We're not having a session today, you're injured. We need to take care of you." She said firmly.

"'re gonna help me?" By this point Jimin should really not be surprised. Jin had told him stories. Y/N could be scary in the meeting room but he had seen her small acts of kindness so many times, he knew it was just a front.

There were only two times Jin had seen her completely lose it, at least that he'd told Jimin. The first had been when one employee sexually harassed a new hire. He had been called into the office and tried to argue that she was inviting it, painting a picture of him and Y/N against the slutty hussies that infected companies like this. Y/N had initially tried explaining that unless someone specifically said they wanted it, you couldn't assume from their clothes that they did. Last time she checked, mind-reading did not exist. But the man was so caught up in his entitlement it hadn't gotten through.

Jin had actually felt sorry for him. He wasn't sure exactly what had been said but the man left looking pale as a ghost and Y/N....well she looked like she could freeze hell over with her eyes.

The second time had been in the meeting room with someone who thought they could take advantage of Y/N's company. She had been professional but, once again, someone learned to not cross her.

"No, I was just gonna leave you in pain splayed out on my balcony." She said sarcastically.

Jimin was debating. He didn't want to be a burden. He felt this inner drive to do his job. But he also knew realistically that he needed help. He finally closed his eyes in resignation.

"Can I call one of my friends to come over and help?"

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