Oops, Someone Pissed Y/N Off Again

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"Y/N!!!! Y/N!!!!!! Y/N!!!!!!" Jungkook yelled at the top of his lungs, racing down the hallway and back into the humongous hosting room the hotel had. "Y/N!!!!!" He felt a hand on the back of his shirt and he was yanked back, a hand attempting to cover his mouth. He bit it and heard a yelp but then his legs were kicked out from under him and he was in a headlock, being dragged away from the horrified crowd back towards the hallway. He didn't know who these guys were but they worked out and seemed to know some moves. That scared him because even brute strength might not help him against them. It hadn't seemed to help Jimin. "Y/N!!!!" He screamed. Jimin, Jimin was in trouble, he had to save Jimin, he needed Y/N.

Y/N had been mingling, hoping Jimin was having a good time. But after awhile she was tired. She wanted to go home. She hadn't seen him or Jungkook. She wanted a round of sex and a sloppy make-out session afterwards, then cuddling and sleep. She began moving from group to group, introducing herself and looking around for both of them.

She even checked the buffet table, expecting to at least see Jungkook there. She frowned. It was a huge crowd, where had they gone? She pulled out her phone and sent a quick text to Jimin, hoping he checked his phone soon.

And then....she thought she heard her name but it was hard to tell over the soft piano music being played. Still she stood straight, looking around.

There it was again. She distinctively heard her name being called. It sounded like the other end of the room.....? She started to move forward, breaking into a run when she clearly heard her name being screamed in what sounded like fear. Jungkook. It sounded like Jungkook. And he sounded afraid.

"Excuse me!" She said loudly, pushing pass people who didn't move fast enough for her. Her dress was floor-length but she had never thought much of being a "lady", she gathered it up to run faster. She didn't care how ridiculous she looked, Jungkook was never afraid unless she used her microwave when he was over. Something was terribly wrong. As she got to the other side of the room she heard murmurings and a few gasps, then her name screamed again.

"Excuse me! Jungkook! Excuse me!" She yelled, suddenly bursting through the crowd to see Jungkook being manhandled into a hallway. "Hey, what the fuck!" She yelled. Jungkook saw her and tried to break out of the headlock.

"Y/N, JIMIN! JIMIN!" She made to move forward but was stopped by a hand on her elbow. A middle-aged man looked at her and shook his head as Jungkook was dragged down the hallway.

"You don't want to get involved, Miss." He said in an Eastern American accent.

"Why not?" She said bitingly.

"That's Roy McCanster and his friends. It's best to just let them do their thing and not interfere. You could get hurt." Y/N stopped and turned around, suddenly noticing the scared expressions of everyone around her. How they were cowering back. She looked at the man.

"How many friends does this Roy have?"

"He usually runs with four other boys."

"And how powerful is this McCanster?"

"His grandfather got rich from foreign trade." He dropped his voice and looked around nervously. "The kid should've been whipped more when he was younger. Spoiled rotten." Y/N nodded contemplatively. Then she smiled sweetly at the man.

"May I have your belt please?" He blinked.

"My, what?"

"Your belt, sir. Either give it to me or I'll take it, it's up to you." He appraised her doubtfully, but everyone was too afraid to bother judging him. He quickly unbuckled it and handed it to her.

"Thank you." She smiled at him then took a step back, facing the crowd. A few people were looking at her but not enough. She whipped the belt, snapping it through the air, in a motion she had seen many times. The sound caught attention.

"Hi, everyone." She continued smiling, looking sweet and pretty.

"Anyone know Mr. McCanster? You know, the one who can be held accountable or gives a shit about the life of the one down that hallway?" There were a few hesitant nods. "Great!" She said in a fake, high-pitched tone before dropping her smile, her face turning cold. "I'm going to walk down that hallway. Tell Mr. McCanster to get his ass down here and control what's his. Otherwise I will beat that kid to death." She turned to walk towards the hallway, ignoring the gasps that sounded behind her. "Oh." She turned again and smiled. "You should probably also call the police. I will be contacting the Korean embassy after this and it won't look good for anyone attending here if that doesn't happen."

"Ma'am, it's too dangerous!" Someone yelled. Y/N turned and glared again.

"No, what's dangerous is that two men are in trouble and a whole crowd of people are cowering in corners." She spat back. She lifted her skirt and brought her stilleto heel down, ripping through the bottom fabric and tearing it off. She had no idea what was down that hallway, but something told her this could end awfully for all of them and she didn't need extra long fabric getting in the way.
The man couldn't hold onto Jungkook and open the door, or attempt to open it since it had been relocked, and when he tried Jungkook wrested away and kicked him in the stomach before charging and driving his fist into the man's jaw. When Y/N reached them the man was down but still struggling. Y/N kicked him in the head, leaving a bloody scrape. Jungkook was breathing heavily but stood, his voice was shaking.

"They have Jimin...they....they're...." Y/N thumped on the door.

"Yah! Roy McCanster! Get your ass out here right now!" She heard a yell from inside, but she couldn't make out what it said. "What, are you afraid to face a girl?! Get out here now!" There was a moment and then the door opened slightly, only to fly open wider when Y/N kicked it. The man who opened it stumbled back but Y/N stopped, eyes wide in horror.

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