Shouldn't There Be More?

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Y/N almost said no. That was her first instinct.

But....was the point of all her lessons with Jimin if she said no? He'd done what he could, now she needed to person up and take the remaining steps to get out of her comfort zone. She smiled.

"Okay." Looking back, Y/N would realize just how fundamental that word was to her future self and character.  To the beginning of a slow realization that would rock her world.

It started out okay. She wouldn't remember his name afterwards because it wasn't worth remembering. His friends were nice and friendly, loud drunks. The first touches were light, just shoulder brushes.

So what are you doing in Korea?

I work here.

Oh, are you an English teacher?

Something like that. She wasn't usually eager to discuss her job at clubs with people she didn't know. Mostly because she didn't see the point in being precise and accurate when she knew the other person didn't care.

Then his arm was around her shoulder and he was offering her another shot. Eh, why not. His lips were on her cheek. She sighed. She wasn't....really turned on by him. But she wasn't repulsed either. Experience, she reminded herself, experience.

When he kissed her she expected sparks or lust or....just something. She expected to want more. She expected to like it. She expected....what Jimin made her feel. And she felt bad for his face crossing her mind as she and this guy kissed, but she supposed it was reasonable since Jimin had been her first for so many things. Experience would erase him from her mind eventually.

Or maybe not. Maybe experience wasn't the greatest thing in the world. She was okay, this was okay, she didn't love it but she didn't hate it. She was more curious if anything. But then...

After she had first moved to Korea, Y/N had been very open-minded about lots of things. One thing in particular was food. Different cultures have different food and you will taste things you're not expecting. It was with this mindset that she and some friends visited a popular beach and then decided to be adventurous and order a plate of fresh seafood. Most of her friends backed out at the last minute but Y/N figured she'd try it at least once. One of the creatures on the plate was very muscley. She was told it was a sea cucumber but to this day she didn't know if that was accurate, she only knew that it felt like biting into actual muscle.

It didn't cross her mind that much anymore, the beach visit. But it crossed her mind right now because suddenly the man she was kissing stuck his whole tongue in her mouth.

Jimin had teased her with his, but Jimin knew what he was doing. Jimin knew how to make this stuff pleasurable. And Jimin didn't go from soft smooches to practically sticking his tongue down her throat. Having a wiggling muscle like this man's tongue moving around haphazardly in her mouth definitely reminded her of that supposed sea cucumber she'd eaten way back then.  It had reminded her the first time it'd ever happened to her and it reminded her now.

Momentarily, she considered treating his tongue like she'd treated that sea cucumber and biting down hard. Instead she pulled her head back, confusion on her face. Was that was this was supposed to feel like? Was it supposed to feel....this dead? This gross? Her partner tried to move towards her mouth again but she gently pushed him back and stood up, shaking his arm off her shoulders.

"Wha...." The man reached for her but she shook her head and his face hardened. "I thought we were having a good time, come on back here, babe."

"I'm not your babe." She said quietly, before deciding to just leave and not argue. There was nothing for her here. It didn't matter if she had anxiety or didn't, these places weren't made for people like her. Now though, she felt acceptance wash over her as she waited for the taxi she'd called in the Kakao app. Now she knew she wasn't the problem. And maybe one day she'd find someone worthy of the skills Jimin was teaching her.

Hey, sorry I know it's late, can I ask you a question?

Jimin kept odd hours so it was likely he was up. Her assumption was spot on.

Yeah, what's wrong?

Why would you assume something's wrong?

Cuz you don't text me unless it's schedule related. She pursed her lips. Well...he wasn't wrong.

I was just wondering.... She hesitated, her question sounded stupid in her head.

You know I won't laugh, whatever it is.

Yeah, I know. It's just....someone tried french kissing me once again and I was wondering if it's really supposed to feel like they're shoving their tongue down my throat. There was a pause then a series of successive messages.


Who did that?!

No, it's not.

What kind of inexperienced prick did that....I'll show you how it's done.

She didn't reply after that, at least satisfied that her intuition wasn't off.

And on her way home, as she stared out the taxi window, she wondered....when she did stuff like this with other people, was she always going to feel and see Jimin?


Jimin was enjoying the pleasant buzz of alcohol and bantering with Namjoon when his phone buzzed and he pulled it out of his pocket, placing his bottle down instantly when he saw who the message was from. His brothers continued arguing without him, although a few regarded him curiously. Jimin usually tried not to text during their times together, so this was a little unusual.

Jimin blew out his breath and made a face.

"What the fuck." He muttered under his breath, after reading her reply to his question. Gross. He felt his lips tighten. Who the fuck was she kissing....he took a deep breath and shook his head.

None of his business. He tried to tell himself that he was just concerned cuz she was nice to him and this could mean the end of their sessions if she was dating.

But realistically, if these were the kinds of guys she was going out with, he wouldn't be in any danger of that any time soon.

She didn't reply to his last message and he periodically glanced at his phone the rest of the night. The others noticed.

But none of them said anything.

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