Second Session

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It would be a week before he would see her again, Y/N was out of town for a couple days attending some meetings. But Jimin found, even when he was with other clients and doing his best to leave them satisfied, his mind kept drifting towards her. Thinking over what little he knew of her. Trying to figure her out, trying to figure out what would make her open up the best. Trying to think about how hard he should push at their next session.

And before he knew it, it was Saturday evening. He decided to give Y/N a break today and wore light skinny jeans and a more casual, but fitted, top. Something that screamed "I'm a sex god but I do walk around in public and act normal, sometimes".

He smiled brightly as the door swung open and he saw Y/N for the first time in a week.

"Long time no see." He teased, stepping past her and kicking off his shoes. "Glad you decided to not avoid me." Y/N hadn't expected the first words out of his mouth to be teasing, actually she hadn't been sure what to expect at all. She had a beer bottle in her hand.

"I wasn't..." Her voice stuttered to a stop when Jimin leaned in and planted a soft kiss on her cheek, grinned, then continued walking into the living room. Y/N blinked, standing still for a moment. Then she shook herself. He was hired to do things like that. "Do you want a beer?"

"Yes, please." Maybe if she was tipsy things would flow more easily. Jimin was on the other couch when she walked in and handed him his beer, but when she sat down he got up and sat on the other end of the same couch she was on. Y/N looked at him, then looked down and took a hurried gulp of beer, then back at him. "How was your week?" He asked, knowing she was resisting the temptation to ask him to go back to his original position. She shrugged and this time took a sip.

"It was fine. Busy. Finished my book though."

"What were you reading?"

"It was a biography on Ida B. Wells."


"She was an American journalist who fought for civil rights."

"Oh. Cool." Sounded like a wonderful person but Jimin wasn't sure how to use that to get her to open up and relax. " like history?" Y/N's face lit up and he realized he'd asked the right question.

"Anything to do with study human culture and society, I like." She waved her hand in the general direction of the bookshelf that was in the living room behind the couch they rested on. "And....I like hard copies." She said sheepishly. Jimin glanced behind them, then got up on his knees and leaned over the back to look at the titles. Most were in English, there was a whole shelf dedicated to Korean ones, and a few in Chinese, and another language he didn't know.

"You like Korean history too?" He asked, leaning closer to peer at the titles. Y/N got up on her knees too and shuffled over.

"Yeah, I didn't really study Asian history that wasn't directly related to Western Civilization in school. That was "World History"." Her tone was annoyed. "So when I moved here I decided to rectify that gap in my education." Her hand reached out and she ran her fingers over the spines of the books lovingly. "I started with Korean history and moved on to Japanese and Vietnamese history and just kept going after that."

"Wow." Jimin had been a good student but once he left school the only thing he'd cared about, besides not working an office job, was dancing. Which he hadn't really pursued in awhile. The thought made him sad and he thought back to his conversation with Yoongi. But before his thoughts could take this depressing turn, Y/N leaned back and winced as she moved to sit back down on the couch. It didn't escape his notice.

"You okay?"

"Yeah." She leaned her head back and moved it back and forth. "I just have a tense back and my posture wasn't the greatest at these meetings. I don't do well having to sit with my feet on the floor for long periods of time." She took a sip of beer as Jimin set his to the side and spread his legs on the couch, patting between them.

"Come here." She looked at his hands, then up to his face, then down to his hands again.


"To give you a massage, of course." Y/N looked at him like he'd grown horns. She never got massages, but it was so second-nature to her she forgot most people didn't know that.

"I don't think that's..." Jimin smirked.

"C'mon, Y/N. You have to get close to me sometime." She didn't look convinced so he gently reached over, took the bottle out of her hands and placed it on the coffee table, then took her wrist and pulled her towards him. He gave her plenty of time to resist if it was actually a problem but she didn't do anything, just had a melancholy look of dread on her face as she settled between his legs, her back straight as a rod. "Shhhh, relax." His breath tickled her ear as he let his fingers drift up and down her arms. "I don't bite unless you consent." Despite how tense she felt, Y/N chuckled.

Jimin leaned back a little and let his fingers drift up over her shoulders before gently beginning to apply pressure and kneed her back, getting a feel for where the problem areas were. She hadn't been lying, her whole back was a frickin' problem zone.

"You weren't kidding." He said quietly, focusing on his task. So focused in fact that he didn't see Y/N's hands slowly clenching into fists and her teeth dig into her lip. She could do this, she could get through this, this was all about changing....getting better....exploring everything....

She felt her breathing increase as that familiar darkness began to shift around the edges of her mind. She could do this....she could do this....

Who was she kidding, she couldn't do this.

"Jimin, stop." She said quietly, back still straight.

"I need you to relax, Y/N, I can't give you a massage if you just retense all the muscles as soon as I'm done."

"Jimin, I really need you to stop." Her words finally registered and he kept moving his fingers but tried to bend his head forward over her shoulder.


"Jimin, stop!" Before he could finish, Y/N shuddered violently and fell forward, catching herself on the coffee table and quickly scrambling to her feet. "Wha...."

He blinked twice and she was out of the living room, a door slamming somewhere in the distance. Uh....okay....Jimin's hands were still extended out in midair. He lowered them to his lap, looking towards where she'd ran. He wasn't really sure what had happened, but when Y/N didn't come back for a couple minutes he stood up and hesitantly walked in the direction he'd heard a door slam.

For Y/N, touching her back was a sensitive topic. She hated it. It reminded her of too many bad memories and she had been unsuccessful in convincing her body completely that a massage meant no harm. She'd hoped today would be an exception but once again....she felt embarrassed as she ran her fingers through her hair soothingly, muttering to herself in an attempt to calm down.

It was okay. Nothing was wrong. It was her, not him. Jimin wasn't a threat. Over and over.

Until she heard a timid knock on the door of the bathroom.

"Y/N? Are you in there? Is everything okay?"

She didn't reply at first, working on steadying herself. But finally she unlocked and swung open the door, revealing a worried looking Jimin. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked as soon as he saw her face. She shook her head and he moved so she could step past him.

"No, I just don't like massages." That was partially a lie but she didn't see how it was relevant to what she was paying him to do. Jimin looked at her thoughtfully, but to her relief he didn't push it.

But that was pretty much the end for that day's session. Y/N was too wound up now to make any progress, so they ordered dinner and talked about everything not related to her little panic earlier.

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