What Happens Now?

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Y/N and Jungkook had both dozed off, their brains attempting to cope with reality by shutting them down as much as possible. But both woke up when a doctor knocked and announced that Mr. McCanster was here to see them. They sat up straight but nobody stood as he walked in, looking sadly in Jimin's direction, then did a general bow in theirs.

"Mr. McCanster." Jungkook said formally, head nodding back. It took everything in him to not be rude to this man. But he knew it would be wise to hear him out first.

"Jungkook. Sorry to see you again under such circumstances." The man looked stressed. "I can't tell you how sorry I am to see the damage my son has done...."

"We don't fucking care." Y/N cut him off, her eyes blazing, her voice was hard. "I want you to explain to me why it was a good idea for me to not kill your son." McCanster swallowed.

"I wish you had." He said, causing all their eyes to widen.

"Wow." Taehyung murmured.   McCanster sighed.

"I know that sounds horrible but perhaps I should explain."

"Oh please do, we've got all the time in the world." Taehyung gently rested a hand on Y/N's knee, shaking his head gently. She sighed but nodded. She was letting her anger get the better of her.

"He is biologically my son but my wife and I divorced years ago. She was a cheating bitch. I tried to get primary custody but was ruled against. My son wasn't always such an asshole." He sighed. "Unfortunately his step-father was and has been a major influence on him. It got to the point where I stopped receiving my son, at all. He wouldn't listen and did whatever the fuck he wanted, and the things he wanted were horrible. I refused to put up with it. This is not the first time this happened, I hadn't talked to his mother in years but we had a huge fight because I wanted him to finally receive consequences. But they got him out of it and...." He gestured towards Jimin and sighed again. "He apparently thought this made him invincible." There was silence, except for Jungkook hurriedly whispering a translation to Taehyung to make sure he understood everything, not just bits and pieces.

"So....he's just going to get away with this too?" Y/N said, her voice quiet. But make no mistake, one wrong word and it wouldn't end well.

"No. Last time the victim was, no offense intended, a nobody. It was settled."

"But I was attacked too." Jungkook said quietly. McCanster nodded and gestured to Y/N. "And I understand you're quite well-known in the Asian business world. I understand he's becoming a popular public figure in South Korea. My sources say the friends he runs with are all fairly powerful or well-known." He gestured at Jimin this time. "In short, my ex-wife doesn't have enough money to buy everybody off and even if she did I get the feeling you wouldn't accept it."

"Damn right." Jungkook said.

"Where is your son now?" Taehyung asked, worried that Jimin might still not be safe. "He has friends?  Where are they?"

"All are in custody, the injured ones in the hospital." All three nodded, relieved looks on their faces.

"I don't want you to take this the wrong way, Mr. McCanster, but I'm sure my father has already explained to you. Your son and his friends either need to face actual justice, not the faux type reserved for those with money, or justice might....need to be sought through other means." There was a pause as the full import of his words registered. "It's not something we make a habit of, but it doesn't mean we can't." Mr. McCanster nodded.

"I understand."

"Why?" Everyone turned to look at Y/N. "I want to know....why? What motivated your son to attack my boyfriend?" Mr. McCanster sighed.

"Um....I hate to say this....but....his step-father is very entitled. He thinks those who aren't born into money are out to get those of us who are."

"So.....he didn't like Jimin because Jimin's family isn't rich?" Jungkook said, confused.

"Yes, that. But he also is a white supremacist and extremely homophobic. Your boyfriend doesn't exactly scream stereotypical "dominating Western masculinity" and he's a non-American Asian."

"So....you mean to tell me that my boyfriend was attacked because your son hates Asians, thinks my boyfriend is too feminine, and that he's...what? Out to get other peoples' money?" McCanster's head dropped and he just nodded, too disgusted himself to say anything more.

Tears filled Y/N's eyes as she looked over at Jimin's bed. Then she covered her eyes and turned away while she tried to regain control. Jungkook was sitting there, just feeling shocked. Taehyung hadn't understood everything, but he knew his friends needed a break.

"Thank you, Mr. McCanster." He stood up and shook his hand. "We will speak again." McCanster just nodded and looked sadly over at Jimin's bed, before exiting.

It felt like learning about what had happened to Jimin all over again. He hadn't been through enough, now she knew that in those few minutes where he'd been on his own and being beaten, Jimin had probably been subjected to vitriolic hatred. Maybe he hadn't understood every word, but she knew he was smart and he would've figured out some of it. The motivations.....the actions....it all made her sick.

The psychiatrist was right. Something had gone wrong a long time ago, and it was useless to worry about whether or not she was a good person anymore.

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