Taehyung Comes Over

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"Yeah, I'll draw up a bath?" Y/N offered. He gave her a weak smile and nodded, wincing as soon as she walked away.

He knew Taehyung was busy, but his friend dropped everything and said he was on his way over. He felt bad. He knew Taehyung had a vague idea that he was in a contract with Y/N, but she didn't know and he hoped she wouldn't feel embarrassed by the whole thing.

"Is your friend coming?"

"Yeah he's on his way." Jimin gratefully took the painkillers and water and swallowed. Y/N watched him until he finished, then took the glass back.

"Who did it?"

"Huh?" She motioned to his body.

"Who was the client?"

"Um...my contract...." And suddenly Jimin understood what Jin had meant by Y/N's eyes. He gulped as they changed, fixing him with an icy, no-nonsense stare that burrowed into his soul and squeezed it like a vice.

"Was just broken. By the client."

"Lee Seoyoung." Jimin said quietly.

When Taehyung arrived he was quickly ushered in by Y/N who showed him where the bathroom was. The water was hot as Taehyung helped Jimin lower himself in, but he hurt less now due to the painkillers.

"I can't believe this." Taehyung said hotly, once his friend was in the tub. "The nerve of some people, seriously." Jimin was pissed but his attention had temporarily been taken by the fact that....Y/N didn't care. Or rather....Y/N had just had him come in. She hadn't felt the need to explain to Taehyung why Jimin was here, she hadn't seemed embarrassed, or anything.

He leaned back and closed his eyes, let the water soothe him. "She's pretty." Taehyung said, to change the subject and get Jimin's mind off of what had occurred. Jimin nodded but didn't reply verbally. "How does someone like her not have a boyfriend?"

"Dysfunction." Jimin said in a whisper, both because he was trying to relax and because he didn't know where Y/N was in the apartment. "I don't know what exactly caused it but...dysfunction."

"You should go back to school and do psychology. You could become a sex therapist." Taehyung teased. Jimin laughed and shook his head.

"I'm done with school. I did my time. I can learn outside of it."

They both needn't have worried about Y/N overhearing. As soon as they were in the bathroom she had closed the door to her room and rung up her secretary.

"Hey, I need you to call Lee Enterprises and tell them we're canceling our contract." There was a pause on the other end.

"O-Okay, I'll do it right now."

"Thank you, I'm sorry to have called you at this hour." Y/N was sorry but she was also mad. She'd never liked Lee but he'd always behaved around her so they did business. Until now. It wouldn't matter if she didn't know Jimin, this was wrong. She was so tired of the rich and powerful taking advantage of people who had less than them.

She walked to the kitchen to make tea and halfway through it her phone rang. She was expecting it and used her shoulder to hold it against her ear as she filled three cups with tea.


"Why did my secretary just get a call from yours saying you're canceling our contract? You can't do that, we signed!" Y/N rolled her eyes as steam drifted up from the cups in front of her. "I will take you to court!"

"And what! Let me show the court that you violated the good character clause?!" Y/N snapped.

"That's stupid..."

"It's not stupid, catching the company involved in shady stuff in one instance could potentially affect my business in another. You've violated it, I'm not risking my business."

"What the actual fuck..."

"Yes, what the actually fuck. Do you really think robbing and assaulting a young man doesn't fall under that clause? I had a whole list of potential circumstances attached to the document and I know your lawyer read it." There was a long pause as Lee processed this and slowly began to wrap his mind around the fact that he had just majorly screwed himself over by attempting to take advantage of the young man who he had been fucking less than two hours ago.

"Seriously?" He finally said. "Why the fuck do you care so much about a fucking slut? Are you fucking him too?" If looks could kill and he'd been in that kitchen he would be dead right now.

"I care about what it says about your company's character." She finally said, pulling the tea bags out of the cups. There was a sigh over the phone.

"What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to pay him for his services and compensation for the physical damage. We'll talk about the contract after I see proof that's done." She hung up without waiting for an answer and picked up two cups, using her foot to tap the bathroom door. Taehyung opened the door and bowed slightly.

"Oh, thank you." He said in a surprised voice, taking both and bowing again.

"It's green." There was a pause and she pointed in the direction of the guest bedroom.

"Um...I don't know what your plans are, but if he's not comfortable moving he can stay in there tonight. I don't have extra clothes but there's a bathrobe."

"I'll see." Taehyung turned around in the doorway to ask Jimin and Y/N discreetly ducked back to her room, deciding to just read a book quietly until she felt tired. This wasn't how she'd thought her evening would go but it couldn't be helped.

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