Intimate Sessions (18 +)

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Despite himself, Jimin was nervous as the elevator slowly made its way up. Why? He had been surprised to find out that it had not been Jin who had intervened with getting his payment. Not only had Y/N offered her home to him and let him have a friend over to help, by the next morning his payment had been taken care of.

It made him feel weird, but he wasn't sure why. Maybe it was just because he wasn't used to people other than his brothers caring about his problems. Maybe it was because he wasn't used to being treated as valuable by his clients. His sessions with Y/N made him feel like someone actually appreciated him, saw him as a human being and not just a hole to fuck.

If he was honest with himself, it scared him a little. He wasn't the type to do relationships, his work got in the way of that. Before he'd started that, his previous girlfriends had been driven away by his supposed neediness. When he liked someone, he liked to be close to them. He knew he had matured in that area, he was usually okay being by himself and doing his own stuff. But a part of him was hoping...he had started hoping Y/N would continue his services once she was comfortable. He wouldn't let himself think beyond that, it was dangerous territory. In other words, he wouldn't mind becoming her paid booty call.

He had plans tonight, assuming she felt ready. He really wanted to make their cancelled sessions up to her.

"Hey...." Y/N's 'hi' was cut off as he pressed his lips to hers passionately. Earlier that morning Jimin had requested she not wear a lot of clothes, so she was in shorts and a sports bra. She had pondered over the text for a long time, wondering what he was up to and suspecting she knew the answer. She'd debated if she was ready. She didn't think so, but it wouldn't hurt to see how far they could go before her insecurities got the best of her.

They were especially at the forefront of her mind after her coffee with Nicole earlier. But all thoughts briefly flew out of her brain as she registered Jimin's lips on hers and kissed him back, proud of herself for being a lot less anxious about this than a couple weeks ago. Her hands came up to tangle in his hair as his arms slid around her waist.

They only stopped when they needed to catch their breath. Jimin pressed his forehead to hers and smiled.

"Hi, to you too." Y/N was breathing heavy and she tilted her head slightly, trying to get a read on what Jimin was thinking. "I was thinking...." His eyes drifted down to her lips. "Have you ever touched yourself before?" Y/N looked at him like he was crazy.

"I know how to use a vibrator, Jimin." She said saucily, but before she could say any more smart remarks he kissed her again.

"Mmmmm, good. Can I touch you today? Can we try that?" Y/N hesitated. The fear was instantly there, the fear of being vulnerable, of being judged, of being laughed at. But this was Jimin. For crying out loud, she paid the man. She knew intellectually he'd never jeopardize his job. And in their interactions over the past couple weeks she'd gotten to see how he really did seem to be, at least on the surface, a kind person who cared about others.

She just needed to make herself take the next step, no matter how scary it was.

Jimin waited, on edge, for her decision. And mentally relaxed when she finally nodded.

"Great, wanna show me your bedroom?" He said, a slight humor to his tone since he knew he was asking for more than that. He reassuringly kept a hold of Y/N's hand, stroking the back of it with his thumb. He knew she was nervous. And who wouldn't be?

As soon as the door closed Y/N found Jimin's arms wrapping around her waist and herself pulled into a deep and passionate kiss. For the first time in her life she was understanding what it was like to have a man make you feel like you were the thing he desired the most in the world, body and soul, and overwhelm you with passion, intent on ravaging you. Maybe Jimin actually felt that way, maybe he didn't, she didn't know. But if he didn't, he was a good actor and that's all that mattered in the here and now. Her hands came up to stroke his jaw as she kissed him back.

He pulled back to leave hot kisses along her jaw and neck.

"I." Kiss. "Am." Kiss. "Going." Kiss. "To." Kiss. "Make." Kiss. "You." Kiss. "Feel." Kiss. "So." Kiss. "Good." If there was one thing he was good at it was this and he was determined to expend all his knowledge and energy doing it, if she allowed him.

Jimin's hands drifted down to her hips to pull them against his and she gasped, pulling back slightly as she felt his hard-on.

"Shhhh." Jimin kissed the tip of her nose and smiled slightly. "Don't be afraid. All that means is..." He kissed her lips. "My body wants to make yours feel reeeaaaally good." He pulled her body back but didn't move, choosing instead to focusing on making out with her. He couldn't get ahead of himself, he had to hold back until he was certain she could take it.

When a soft whimper escaped her mouth, he knew she was probably ready for the next step. He gently pulled her towards the bed, sitting down and stroking her hips. Her face was slightly flushed and she was breathing heavily, her lips were swollen. And he'd done that. He felt proud.

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