A Problem

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That night Jimin laid in bed, staring up at his ceiling, a slight smile on his face. He felt proud of her. It had just been a kiss, but it represented such a big step for her. He felt like a proud tutor who sees their student finally understand a mathematical concept.

He should sleep so he closed his eyes, but instantly his schedule for tomorrow floating through his mind and he felt depressed. His ass was sore and his client tomorrow liked to give it to him rough. Maybe he should.....he'd gone back and forth about ending it, but always found himself hesitating. He wasn't sure why.

He'd just take painkillers tomorrow.


Y/N couldn't stop grinning until she fell asleep and she tried to contain herself professionally at work the next day but Jin could tell something was up.

"Can I ask?" Ever since he'd recommended Jimin, he and Y/N had started having lunch together in her office. He felt he was actually developing a bit of a friendship with her. For the first time he heard stories of how it had been for her when she first moved to Korea and the obstacles she had had to overcome to get to the point where she'd hired him.

"Lessons are going well." Y/N shrugged, letting him know she didn't really want to discuss it.

"Well, good. I'm glad. It was awful seeing you so depressed over something almost everyone else gets to do."

"Everyone else isn't like me, Jin." She reminded him quietly.

"Y/N..." He said, his voice trailing off as he tried to gather his words. "It's okay to be different." He finally said.

"I know." It was her turn to think for a second. "But sometimes I still can't help feeling that it's not." It felt like lately she was second-guessing and doubting herself a lot. Despite the confident boost she had gotten with her progress with Jimin and success at work, it felt like her insecurities had become stronger the past couple of months.

She didn't know what was wrong.


"I don't want the details but Y/N said things are going good and I can't tell you how relieved I am to hear that." Jin had plopped down on his couch, next to Jimin, who was deep in thought.

"Yeah, it is. She talked to you about it?" Jin nodded.

"Sort of, I mean she didn't give me details but I can see the change in her attitude. She seems...hopeful." Jimin felt a small sense of pride that he was involved in that. He made a mental note to see if this would lead to faster progress.

"She's the one client I don't hate, that's what it feels like sometimes." Jimin said, right as Hoseok joined them.

"Why?" He asked, handing out the beers. Jimin had been trying to put his finger on it for several weeks now.

"She....she's different. She's paying me but....like she offered me tea, when we had our first meeting." He gestured to Jin. "She makes sure I eat when we have longer sessions. I don't have to worry about how I'm gonna fit my meals in when she's scheduled that day."


"Yeah, she's hospitable." But he felt that wasn't the right word. She made him feel....welcome? Yeah that was it. Welcome. "None of my other clients do that. In fact I'm thinking of dropping one."

"Oh?" Jin perked up instantly, leaning over to make sure he didn't miss anything.

"Yeah. Every time I leave that guy I feel like shit. Like literally, my ass still hurts from last time. He makes me feel like a fuck toy. And figuratively, I don't feel.....he doesn't have hospitality, I guess." His friends mulled his words over as he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I think this woman is spoiling me. I'd better get her taken care of fast so I don't ruin my business." As much as he knew he would miss being treated like this, Jimin knew it would just continue to make him feel more bitter against his other clients. Jin frowned at his comment but said nothing.


He hadn't expected this. He went through with the session, pissing his client off by having to use his safe word. He wasn't sure why the man had been harsher than normal, but his body was his livelihood and he couldn't risk any damage.

Then he had informed him that this would be their last session. At first Jimin had tried to deescalate but the words shouted at him just pissed him off. This man did not own him, he wasn't just a body to be fucked. It had ended with Jimin getting a bruise on his face, instead of his payment, and being forcibly escorted out.

He was fuming.

The session had gone over, he always had to fight this man to pay for that, and then the altercation had taken even more time. The man was off his client list but Jimin felt bruised and used, wincing as he climbed into the back of the taxi. He knew his face was bruising and his ass hurt like the dickens. The only reason why he had put up with this client so long was because the man paid more than his usual rate. Evidently that was to keep the escorts around since he tried to push the limits of his contract consistently. Jimin mentally scolded himself for putting up with the dipshit for so long.

He looked in the taxi driver's mirror, trying in vain to make himself look presentable and calm the emotional storm roaring inside him. He was paid to be professional, he couldn't go dumping his problems on his next client.

Especially since it was his favorite one.

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