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The moment I blew out my candles on my 7th birthday, the way I saw the world changed.

As the last flame went out, I had a headache so bad I couldn't even open my eyes. I was sent to my room to try and "sleep it off" according to my parents.

I don't think my parents truly believed it hurt that bad and thought I was just faking it to get out of my party. But I was glad to get away just because they had sadly invited my aunt.

And no one, absolutely no one likes my aunt.

Imagine my surprise when the next day, when I could finally see again, everyone I saw had wings.

I told everyone I talked to about the wings to see if they could see them too. It made my parents mad, so mad they eventually sent me to a therapist.

The day I quit talking about the wings was the day I overheard my parents arguing with each other in our kitchen.

"I don't understand where she's getting this idea about wings", I heard Mom start.

"She must have seen it on tv or something" my Dad replied.

"But nothing on the kid channels have wings, hell all the cartoons with people in them barely look realistic enough for her to even think she can see them in real life".

"Well, what do you want me to say, our daughters a schizophrenic and we should send her away?" Dad angrily shot back.

"No, I just what you to acknowledge that our daughter has changed an-and I don't know what to do" As Mom broke down at the end of her statement, I saw the anger drain out of Dad then him walk over and put his arms around her in a hug.

"I know the therapist isn't working like we hoped, but we have to give it more time before we give up on her and just send her away to try and see what her problem is."

"I know, but I just want our little girl back that we could at least bring out in public." My mom sobbed. "When we didn't have to watch her every second to make sure she doesn't say insane things. Some of the things she says are embarrassing and sometimes I don't even want people to know she's our daughter."

When Mom said that last part I was hurt that she felt that way. My seven-year-old self couldn't believe that my own parents didn't believe what I saw was real and would send me away over it.

I swore to myself that day I would never mention seeing wings again.

Now this is my first book I've every wrote so don't give up on me now, I want to promise it gets better but that's for you to decide (But the chapters do get longer, I promise that).

Thanks for giving my book a try! Happy reading and I hope you like and enjoy my book moving on :)

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