Chapter 21

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We must have fallen asleep at some point because when I woke up, I was still snuggled up against Domick.

More people were at the park too, including my aunt.

Why is she always here?

This time she didn't notice us while heading into the trees. I don't even think anything is in there, except a gardening shed or some type of small building.

And I don't think that she's the one that is supposed to upkeep the park grounds.

I slowly started to extract myself off Domick in order to go and see what my aunt was up to. Somehow he didn't wake up from my movements on top of him.

Domick looks so cute with those leaves in his hair.

I had to refrain myself from giggling out loud.

My aunt had been acting very suspicious lately, warning me away from Domick, talking to me, going to a park for seemingly no reason. So maybe I'll just follow her and find out what she's being so weird for.

I felt bad for leaving Domick sleeping there, but my aunt was my problem, not his. That and now that I knew he was a berserker, I knew he could defend himself if something were to happen.

Even before I knew that information, I knew he take care of himself, those muscles say enough.

My aunt was about to disappear into the tree-line, so I hurried my 'casual' walk. Based on the odd stares I was getting, it wasn't very casual.

We made it into the trees and as I followed behind her I tried to be as quiet as possible. But my aunt seemed more focused on the destination than the journey.

Sure enough, she was heading for the gardening shed where the park keeps some of its supplies.

I had managed to not be noticed as she walked up to the building. She put her finger on the middle of a symbol that was in the middle of the door. The symbol looked like three bear claw marks overlapping an eye that had an outline of a brain around it.

The symbol glowed blue and the door opened for my aunt, she walked into the shed without hesitation.

Is she part of the Illuminati? The eyeball would make sense.

I shook off that question when I recalled what Domick had told me.

Maybe this was the secret government, aka the Council.

The more I thought about it, the more it seemed to make sense. It could be their base, because the eyeball could technically be for seers, the brain outline for brainiacs, and the claw marks for berserkers.

I was a little proud of myself for seeming to figure that out myself, without Domick having to tell me.

I saw the door was starting to shut so I ran to try and catch it. I was too late. I stepped back and stared heartbreakingly at the door.

The eye stared back at me.

Maybe if I touched the same spot as she did it would open. Hopefully it was just a button that prevented theft from the shed, not a secret entrance to what Domick thinks is a corrupt government.

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