Chapter 27

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I stared at my fathers hand outstretched in front of me.

Throughout his whole speech, his wings hadn't changed a bit. Not the color, nor any movement.

He saids he controls their souls, he took their souls so they don't even have one anymore. That's why I can't see their wings.

Wings are controlled by the persons soul, so no soul, no wings. That's why when I pluck other peoples feathers, it hurts them. It's because I take a teeny-tiny piece of their soul from them with each feather plucked out.

However, since it's such a tiny amount it quickly grows back and heals itself so no damage is truly done.

Domick might have dark wings, but at least his will show a bit of color at the tips and move. Unlike my Dad, his were pitch black and motionless.

Right now Domick's wings were trying to encourage me to step back into them by curling the ends as if it was a hand making a 'come here' motion. But I didn't want to get distracted from what my Dad was saying by getting wrapped up in them.

"Um, first of all, I'm not quite ready for kids so you're not getting any 'grandchildren' from me soon. And as if I would even let my kids see their grandfather who decided to abandon his own daughter."

I guess I still hadn't gotten over the fact my father, who was a better person back when I was younger rather than now, which was saying a lot, still willingly left me behind.

I inhaled, "Second of all, why the heck would you think I would want to rule the world? I was perfectly satisfied with the direction my life was heading before you had me kidnapped."

I reached behind me towards Domick.

My father lowered his hand into a fist and frowned at my outburst. "Now Kira, don't make any decision that you'll regret now."

"The only thing I'll regret is listening to you."

Domick finally spoke up, but not with something I wanted to hear, "Wait, what if we stick around here a bit to see what this position of power entitles."

I can't believe he actually wants to be part of this sick Council.

Domick might have causally said that, but his wings contradicted his statement. They were now flared in defense, unlike the resting position they would be in if it was truly stated as a passive statement. It was as if he wasn't telling the truth.

I sure hope he's lying.

I shook my head in disbelief at him, he shot back a look as if to plead me to just go along with it.

"I guess." I sighed out unconvincingly.

My Dad looked at us suspiciously but smiled, "I'm glad you finally see what's best for you."

He went as if to pull me into a hug but Domick stepped between us before he could touch me.

"I never said you could touch her." He snarled.

"Jeez Domick, it's my body, you know that?" I asked sarcastically.

I didn't want to hug my Dad, I was just tired of all this scheming and wanted to leave, but noo Domick wants to stay for some reason.

Now don't get me wrong, I would love to know more about the abnormal world. I would just rather Domick explain than go through my Dads twisted mind to get answers.

My Dad just watched our exchange with a calculating look. When he saw I was looking at him he slid a smile on his face.

I shivered, and not because of the temperature. Something just isn't right in this place.

"Of course! But if Domick wouldn't mind..." He flicked his wrist and the same person's form that had led me up the stairs suddenly appeared beside us.

"Meet my right-hand-man, Lee." My Dad leaned forward to stage-whisper to me. "He's the one I want my grandkids from, so feel free to take him on some test runs." He had the audacity to wink at me.

I was mortified. I glanced over at Domick to see him sending death glares to my Dad and Lee.

Now that I could actually see Lee in the light he seemed to be a bit older than me. He was taller and broader than Domick, but his blue eyes seemed to not have the spark of life behind then along with the fact his brown hair was shaven in a military style.

He didn't have wings either, unlike Domick's which were deep green and attempting to smother me.

My father straightened up, "He's a berserker too," he eyed Domick, "apparently that's how you like them anyway."

I flushed red and looked up meet Domick's eyes, he was staring down at me possessively.

"Now Lee, could you take Domick here and show him where we are keeping Nick. I'm sure they can't wait to see each other."

Wait, Domick was the one who agreed to stay and see what this 'position' my Dad wants me to do is, so why is he making him leave.

Domick opened his mouth to argue but my Dad grabbed his arm and he shut it.

Lee suddenly moved to grab Domick's arms to hold him still as my Dad stood up and quickly raised his other hand to start tracing symbols on Domick's forehead.

I rushed forward to help Domick who was struggling. But stopped when he suddenly fell limp in Lees arms.

"Domick?" I questioned worriedly. Going to stand in front of him.

Lee released Domick when he straightened up and turned towards me.

He looked at me with blank silver eyes and answered in a monotone voice, "Yes?"

"A-are you okay?"

"Perfect, I'm think I'm going to go see Nick now." He turned as if he knew exactly where he was going and headed off.

I was so unnerved at the new robotic Domick I didn't do anything but watch him leave the room without me.

Wait... wait for me!

I started off to follow him but was stopped in my tracts by a large hand placed on my shoulder. I quickly shoved it off and turned towards the person.

"Now Kira, is that anyway to be treating your future man." My father asked. It had been Lee's hand placed on my shoulder, and he was now staring down at me.

"Lee, I thought I told you to show Domick to Nick. Kira and I need some father-daughter time anyhow."

It was so quick I wasn't sure if the pity he had in his eyes for me was just my imagination or for real.

Did I also just imagine that, or did some wings flicker on Lee's back just now.

Flickered purple in resentment.


Hey peeps,

So which abnormal do you think her dad is? Seer, brainiac, or berserker? 🙀

Till next chapter...😻😻😸😽

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