Chapter 15

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I'm so glad this day was finally over. Usually I wouldn't come home right after school, but I was too exhausted to even think to go anywhere else.

Sure enough, when I had locked up my bike and walked in the house, my aunt scowled, and her wings flashed dark purple. Then, like usual, she didn't say anything to me and left my presence as soon as humanly possible.

As if she spent a second too long in my presence would curse her.

I sighed, I really don't know what caused her to resent me so much. If I didn't have Seth, I think I would have gone insane by now because of having almost no human interaction.

I should probably at least start working on my homework now, considering I'll have to relearn the stuff that was taught today. I had been too busy thinking about him to pay attention.

My body felt warm just thinking about what we had done in the library today.

Luckily my aunt is more worried about getting away than looking closer at me, or she might have seen the marks I tried to poorly hide using my hair.

Every time Domick would see me trying ways to cover them in class , he would softly chuckle. Until I would successfully find a way to hide them, then he would scowl and somehow find a way to mess my covering up, so the marks could be seen again.

He was somehow even more attractive when he laughed.

Well crap, I couldn't even focus on doing my homework at home because of him. At least I had all weekend to do it. Not tomorrow though, I'll be at the library.

With Domick

I think Domick's dark wings hid his emotions from me better than anyone else's I had ever seen. Since the color would only change on the tips I had to focus hard on them to understand what the color was. I was worried one day I would focus too hard.

Then he would know what a freak I was.

But until then, we could 'hangout' and pretend that we didn't feel the weird connection between us. Domick had eased off me for the rest of the school day. I guess after he marked me up he was satisfied, that and the fact that I think he likes no one else will talk to me.

Especially guys.

I was usually never noticed by anyone, but I guess I was in Aubreys sights now. She had stared me down as Domick sat next to me in my last class period we all had together.

But life's a bitch and Aubrey can eff off my man.

By the time I considered my homework done enough for today, it was dark outside. I made cereal to eat for supper and chose to read till bedtime. Around 10 I forced myself to put down my book so I could get some sleep.

I tossed and turned in bed thinking about what tomorrow will bring.

Will he actually show up?

Should I seriously be this worried about him?

Will he touch me like that again?

Why am I still awake?

Before I knew it, it was morning.

I woke up to my aunt banging around in the kitchen. I knew she wasn't making breakfast for me too, so I just stayed in my room.

If I were to go out there, she would just yell at me till I left, since she couldn't leave to room since she was cooking, so it was better for me to just try and avoid her. I wasn't sure when Domick was heading over to the library, so I decided to just go now at 9 and be there first.

Usually, I would head over there at 9 on Saturdays anyway if I did go that day, I had nothing better to do.

After getting dressed I headed towards the door, someone knocked as I was putting on my shoes.


He was standing on my door step with keys in his hand and a smile in his eyes.

"How do you know where I live?" I asked suspiciously.

Sure I was slightly obsessing over him, but I'm still like a normal girl and worried about stalkers.

"I might have showed up a little early and the librarian told me where you live so I could pick you up. At least now you don't have to ride your bike." He hesitantly finished the last sentence.

I just looked him up and down.

He straightened up, "See something you like." He teased.

"I've seen better."

He didn't like that. The smile disappeared and a frown took its place.

"I'm kidding." I playfully tried to push him towards his car. Of course he didn't move when I pushed, but he humored me by moving in the direction I was trying to get him to go anyway.

"Hopefully this won't take long and we can paint afterwards. If you want to. That way we can have multiple sessions together and not have to try and shove it all in on one day." Great, now I was rambling.

At least we're guaranteed to see each other more though.

He opened the grey door for me while nodding in agreement. I was surprised, no one has ever opened a door for me before. Seth just yells at me to hurry up.

I blushed but took a seat. This car was nice. I wonder if he has a nice job or just a wealthy family.

"So Domick, do you have any siblings?" Now was as good a time as any to get to know him better.

He stiffened a little but replied, "No, I was adopted," he seemed to force the word out, "but I barely stay in contact with them anymore."

He lives alone?

How old was he?

"Then you must have a good job. A nice car and you live by yourself."

He forced out a laugh and muttered, "You can say that."

We got to know each other a bit better on the ride to the library. He was 19 -failed a year in middle school- liked the color brown(really?), and would not tell me his job no matter how many times I pleaded him too.

We finally made it to the library and the librarian was outside waiting on us. We walked in and immediately got to work dusting, sorting and putting away books where they should go.

The librarian kept giving me suggestive gestures when I was close to Domick and he wasn't looking. I'd laugh and roll my eyes at her antics, she even went as far to pull me to the side to tell me he was a keeper.

Finally we were done around 11.

"Thank you guys so much! Here." She gave us $40, "Go get lunch or something together, my treat for helping an old lady out." She sent a wink my way.

I turned red. Domick had to have seen that.

Was literally everyone I know trying to set me up.

Domick smiled in amusement, "Ma'am you don't look a day over 30, what do you mean old."

"Oh quit sweet talking me young man. And take this actual young woman out and show her a good time."

I looked over at Domick to see him intently staring at me.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of her."

Dark Wings (Dark World #1)Where stories live. Discover now