Chapter 26

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Just having Kiras scent in my nose calmed my beast enough to give me more control over my actions and shrink my size a bit. But still big enough to intimidate if I had to.

I stayed standing beside Kira while we stood over The Council president that was still sitting at the table.

Sitting with that deranged smile on his face.

"Sadly Nick can't be with us, I don't know when we'll see him again. If ever." He stage whispered the last two words.

Shit, they got Nick.

I stepped back and grabbed Kiras hand to bring her with, "Well, we better head out. No reason to stick around if Nicks not here."

I'll use any excuse to leave this place, even pretend we came here for Nick. Even though Nick was the one sent to fetch her for him and bring her to this place.

If I ever see him again, he better be ready for an ass-kicking.

He finally lost his smile and stood up, "I've heard of you Domick, you have the best fetching record I've ever seen, why else you think I would put you on my little girls case?"

Kiras eyes whipped towards me to stare at me in confusion, I rubbed my neck in embarrassment at Kira finding out I have sent quite a bit of people to their doom at the hands of the Council. 

Her dad? I guess that makes the door light make sense.

"So imagine my surprise when you never showed up. I then sent a certain brainiac to go and see what was going on with my best fetcher." That's when his psycho smile slid back on his face.

"When Nick first reported to me of your relationship," he spat out the word, "I wanted him to kill you for even thinking of my little girl in that way. But after envisioning your torture for a bit, I figured out what the best action to do."

He suddenly snapped his fingers and the people roaming aimlessly around dropped what they were doing, and left just us three in the room.

I didn't noticed Kira and I hadn't let go of each other's hands until she squeezed mine in a tighter grip when a girl walked closely by to leave. I squeezed back in reassurance and she sent a shaky smiled back up at me.

"You see, I'm trying to improve everyone's overall life in the world , starting in here. After Kira's mothers death I was introduced to a whole another world, one I knew Kira wasn't ready for yet, but was ready for me to command. So I sent her away till she was of age."

Kira interrupted, "Of age for what?"

"The tests of course."

That didn't seem to satisfy Kira, just frustrate her more, "What is this test that's always being mentioned anyway?"

"Well technically there's two," that was new information to me, I've only ever heard of one, "of course there's the one to discover for your full ability."

He paused for dramatics, "And the other for fertility."

Um, what?

At our shocked faces he laughed, "The miracle of life, more importantly, the miracle of abnormal lives will change the world. Maybe even one day abnormals will be considered the normal. And I'll be the one at the top of it all. Mother Nature most have known we were not normal, so she cursed us with infertility, some of us get lucky and manage to get a normal pregnant but the chances of them being abnormal are lower than those born with both parents abnormals. So I created the second test to find and start to grow our numbers.

I don't know if I even want to know what my acquaintances that have disappeared over the years have been suffering at the hands of this sick bastard.

Kira hadn't seemed to realize her 'father's' plan.

"Umm, I still don't know what that has to do with me. I'm not even an active member or knew about the abnormal world till recently."

Her dad shook his head grimly, "Oh Kira, once we know the full extent of your powers, you'll see the family resemblance in us, you'll even rule by my side, but I know this isn't going to happen in my lifetime, so I need you. To finish what I'm starting."

His eyes shone with a maniacal look, "Not only that but I want grandkids while I'm young enough to train them. Powerful ones. Ones that will be trained and taught to be abnormal leaders in the new world."

Not with any other man but me will she be having his 'grandkids'.

I yanked her body into my arms and glared at him over her head.

"I think you misunderstand, she's mine. You lost her and the ability to make decisions for her the moment you left her in the care of that bitch you call her aunt." I snarled.

Once again he shook his head, "This is bigger than either one of you realize, I'm talking about the whole world, we would not have to hide our abilities any longer."

He reached a hand towards Kira, "Join me by my side and we will rule the world with my army behind us."

Kira frowned, "Why would people stand behind yo-"

This time he interrupted her, "You never ask the right questions Kira. Heres your first lesson, the first thought that should go through your mind is 'what can they do and how dangerous is it to me', but just for you, I'll answer the right questions anyway."

I let her out of my arms unwillingly one she stepped forward in curiosity at his statement.

He lowered his voice, "You say you can see their pain, but I control their very soul, they don't feel a thing unless I want them to. I conduct their every move, they don't do anything without me knowing about it first."

Kira's mouth gasped open, and he smirked as he held his hand out to her again, "Now I know you're hiding some of your abilities, but just tell the truth and we can rule the world. Together."

But I noticed that he never specified how he gathered their souls in the first place.


Hey peeps,

Sorry if you notice any mistakes, I'm tired but I knew I've waited long enough to post a new chapter. Sorry...

Anyway, big thanks for the inputs!!😻😽

I'll leave it at Dark Wings and think up something different to name the 'series', looking back on it and your comments made me realize those really aren't the best options.

Please don't forget to vote and comment

Till next chapter...😽😻😽😻

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