Chapter 19

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I seethed all the way up to my apartment. She had gotten away from me. That was a first, I had even known this was a possibility, but thought she would hear me out better before running off.

At least now I knew her power had at least something to do with pain.

And holy shit, did it hurt.

I had warned her to not freak out, and she still freaked out. I tried to calm her down, and she had screamed while holding me down, somehow using pain to keep me there, immobile.

Really? Seizures? Out of all the things she could have yelled to get away from me, seizures?

After the pain had wore off, I could finally get up and had stormed off to hunt her down. However, I was stopped by the crowd of people around me, making sure I was okay. I had no time to deal with them right now.

I pushed my way through and got into my car, she might have a head start but she was only on a bike.

Either she had really hurt me or I was on the floor for longer than I realized, she was fast on her bike. I didn't see a glance of her on the road.

My beast stirred at the trill of the chase she was unknowingly leading us on.

I passed by her house and saw her bike was where it normally was parked, so she had went straight home. At least now I knew she would hide herself away in her home rather then run to get away from me.

I might have admitted to stalking her, but I lied a little when I told her I would quit.

I chuckled thinking about the look on her face when she had found out.

I stopped chuckling when I heard a loud slam come from her house and straightened up in attention.

Kira and her aunt never interact for reasons I couldn't determine, so I got out of my car and crept closer to her window to investigate.

And heard her talking to someone that was in her room.

Jealousy and anger immediately struck me, without any thought towards discretion anymore, I stormed up to her window. My beast rising with every step.

We might have been getting closer, but I still didn't know much of her past to determine if she had any past boyfriends that might have felt comfortable enough to wait for her in her room.  

I only saw her shadow but kept going, convinced the other guy was hiding.

I stopped when I heard what she was angrily mumbling, "...can't believe he somehow figured out I can "see things", she deepened her voice at the last two words, mocking my voice. "How, how did he figure it out?" I saw her grip her hair tighter in frustration.

Suddenly her head snapped up as if she was looking around. She mumbled quietly to herself again, "He did say he's stalked me before, so odds are he is probably listening to me even now."

I held my breath and hoped her power of seeing didn't have something to do with seeing through walls.

"Domick," She hesitantly started, "if you're listening please just leave me alone. I'll find you when I finally figure out my thoughts on our... problem. Please, please don't tell anyone."

When I didn't answer she mockingly laughed at herself, "As if he would care enough to chase after me when I pulled that dirty trick and hurt him like that."

I so badly wanted to go in there and kiss that dejected look off her face, instead I turned around and went to my car to settle down and watch over her for the night.

It was only to make sure she didn't run away.

I really need to quit lying to myself.

I would give her the time she thought she needed away from me, but that didn't mean I had to like it.

It took her two days till she finally started talking to me again.

In school Kira ignored me for our first class and half of the second class we had together. Finally, she started talking to me again after I sat sadly staring at her from across the classroom.

But not about what we needed to talk about. Or what I wanted to hear. But I'll let her bring it up herself eventually.

"Is it okay if someone new sits with us at lunch."

Someone new?

"Sure, I guess, what's her name?"

Kira nervously laughed, "Why do you think it's a her? He's a boy. And he's new to our school, showed up the day after your suspension."

"A boy!" I exclaimed, "Hell no." I grumbled out and leaned as close as I possibly could to her in a desk. "Don't forget you're mine, and I don't share."

When I leaned back away her cheeks were a blushing red, "A simple yes or no would work too." She muttered.

I winked at her, "But then I wouldn't get to see your face get all red and cute."

She sent a playful glare my way as she turned even redder then faced the front of the class again.

We didn't have the same class before lunch, so I usually met her at her locker, but this time someone besides Seth was there, talking to her.

My beast reared up as if challenged, we silently slid up to her side to size up our challenger, and to warn him off.

I put a possessive hand on her waist to show she was claimed by me and turned to face him.

Shit, they sent the next fetcher out. 

Even worse, he was a brainiac.

At seeing the look in my eyes, he sent a condescending smile way.

"Long time, no see. Brother."
I won't spend much time on this authors note because I've already waited long enough to post this character.

So here you go!!


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