Chapter 10

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That was the longest class period of my life.

I didn't pay any attention to the lesson, trying to stop myself from looking over at the insanely attractive man at my side. Domick, however, had no problem staring at me. The hairs on the back of my neck never had went down.

Once the bell rung I couldn't help but look over at him. I couldn't believe that he just claimed me like that. What century was this, 1700? I was my own independent woman.

I'll admit it was cute how he didn't like Wade supposedly having a crush on me. Although, I shouldn't get my hopes up yet. Domick wouldn't be the first guy to pretend to like me.

When I had first moved here to live with my aunt when I was 11, I met a boy.

He was cute and helped the transition between living with loving parents to living with my horrible aunt. Sure enough I grew to have a crush on him, I even thought he was starting to like me back.

Then one day he just quit being nice to me.

He acted as if he didn't know me, even went as far to call me names. Till the day he disappeared.

I have always felt slightly guilty as a matter of fact because before I had heard he was gone I had been writing in my dairy (that had been my fathers last gift to me) about how I wish he wouldn't have ever come into my life.

It probably was not even connected in anyway, but I always felt bad when I thought about it. And he wasn't the last guy for that to happen to.

Other guys that would start to show a speck of romantic interest in me would suddenly do a complete 180. They would quit being friendly towards me and act as if I was a freak.

Which I was, but they had no-way of knowing that.

Then they would disappear, so I learned it was better for me to just be alone. At least now I know why Seth hasn't disappeared, he would never be into me. I never have had a girl friend, I think it's their women's intuition that I'm not normal that keeps them away from me.

"Will you walk me to my next class, I have Calculus." Domicks deep voice washed over me.

I looked up into his silver eyes. I knew I should try and put some distance between us, but I just couldn't help myself, "Yea, I have business class and that's next door."

He smiled, "That's good, really good." He mumbled the last part to himself. I focused on his wings a little to try and understand what he was thinking.

And saw them trying to curl around me.

I almost hopped back, trying to stay out of their range but I knew I would look crazy if I did. No one had ever "wing wrapped" me before so I wasn't prepared for how it would feel.

Maybe I was too focused on the wing wrapping around me, or I just put too much juice into them. But I swear I could feel the feathers brushing against my skin.

I think he could tell something was different because he stumbled away from me and looked behind his back as if he could feel the weight of his wings. I stepped forward and grabbed his arm to try to distract him.

"We better get go-"

"If you don't stop squeezing me then I'm going to start squeezing back. Somewhere a bit more enjoyable for both of us." Domick interrupted me.

I had subconsciously been squeezing and appreciating his muscles.


Well, at least he was distracted now.

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