Chapter 6

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Why wasn't she answering me.

The moment I had walked in and seen her eyes change color while looking behind me, I knew she was an abnormal. I could somehow even smell her scent from here.

Yummy, chocolate cake...

She smelled like mine.

Wait, where did that come from. I knew my job, catch any unregistered "abnormals" and bring them back to the council.

What they do with them? I wasn't sure.

All I knew was that she was a seer, her eyes had changed color and given that away.

There were things that each "abnormal" were know for. Like seers usually could, well, see. Each one had different things they could see, like some could see the future, some thoughts, and others auras.

Another abnormal was what we called a berserker, you could tell by the way their muscles would swell with their stronger emotions and could control, to an extent, their strength. Brainiacs were basically the brains of the abnormals, they could figure out anything if you gave them time.

Those were the main abnormals that I knew of, there were others but they were rare so not a lot of people knew where and what they could do.

I wasn't quite sure I was just a berserker because while I did get bigger in stature when mad, that didn't explain my inner beast that would sometimes make an input. I wouldn't know until the day the council tested me and then sends me away.

I wasn't sure if they just relocate afterwards or something more sinister, either way there was no escaping the Councils web.

But until then I would continue the missions they give me, find the abnormals they send me out to grab. I wasn't sure how they knew where the abnormals were located, but there was always an abnormal to be found where they told me.

So all I could do is wait, wait for the day I would get tested and disappear mysteriously, just like my friends.

That was probably why I worked alone now.

No friends, no heartache.

"W-what" The girl finally replied in the most hesitant, shy voice. It washed over me like honey.

"Name" I accidentally snapped at her, she was getting under my skin too easily.

She flinched back as if I had hit her. Her gaze scurried away from mine as she mumbled under her breath.

I put a finger under her chin to raise her gaze to mine. So soft, fragile.

As I gazed into her currently blazing green eyes I softened my voice. "Repeat that. Please?" I tacked on the last part after seeing the glare directed at me.

"Let me go or I'll report you."

I chuckled, so she had some fire. That made my beast perk up.

When I still didn't let go of her face she reached behind me. I thought she was reaching for a pencil to stab me with. I would have kinda been okay with that, my beast approved of her fire with the way he started to purr. We liked her feistiness.

She yanked her arm back and the worst pain I had ever felt throbbed in my heart. I looked at her hands to see what caused me to hurt that bad, and saw feathers?

Once she saw the direction of my gaze, the feathers disappeared.

"My names Kira."

I'm pretty sure she told me that to distract me from what I just saw. My beast didn't care either way, he clawed at me to claim her, now.

She had leaned towards me to somehow grab feathers that had hurt me, and now her scent was pushing towards me. A low growl slipped out of me as I fought my beast back from taking control and doing who knows what to her. But I couldn't help dipping down towards her to catch more of her scent, disguising it in a bow.

"Domick, at your service."

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