Chapter 16

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We decided to grab some sandwiches at a sub shop and have a picnic at the park for lunch, this way we could possibly paint when we were done.

Domick had remembered to grab the supplies and asked the teacher for the easels that were in his trunk, we could set those up in the trees to give us a little privacy later. It was starting to get a little cloudy but was still okay for now.

We had finished eating and got up to start picking up our mess.

Domick looked up at the darkening clouds."If it starts to rain I guess we can go to my house." He offered.

See into his personal sanctuary and learn more about him? Maybe.

Maybe I'm the stalker here.

I nodded but didn't offer my house as an option. I didn't want him to see how my aunt hates me or see how she would treat him because of it.

Speak of the devil.

My aunt was walking through the park, looking around warily. Her wings were flared defensively and light grey with worry. She was heading right towards us.

I don't think she noticed us yet, but it was inevitable based on the way she was taking to enter the trees. She finally looked over our way. Her eyes widened when she saw me and her wings flashed a dark red.

Until she saw who I was with. That was the quickest wing color transition from red anger to blue fear that I'd ever seen.

Now why would she be that scared of Domick.

After seeing him she turned a totally around and started hurrying back the way she came, she had even pulled her phone out at the same time. She starting texting urgently and didn't look back my way while quickly leaving.

I turned back to Domick to see him finish picking up our stuff and ignorant to what I had just witnessed.

"Well, I'm done packing up our stuff. We heading over to my house?"

I wasn't so sure anymore with the way my aunt had just reacted to him.

"Ummmm..." I looked up and noticed it did look like it's going to rain. "Maybe we can just paint a different day and hangout in a cafe or somewhere public to get to know each other a little better." I smiled innocently.

There, I took some precautions by choosing to stay in public, that way if my aunts overreaction is plausible, I'll have witnesses.

Domick gave me a weird look and his wings flashed a light orange in confusion, "Okay?"


We grabbed our things and headed towards his car to drop them off, afterwards we went into a quaint, little coffee shop. It was way empty because of the weather outside. 

After ordering coffees, we sat down at a table and sipped at them for a bit while it started to rain.

"So what do you want to know. I thought we had went over all the important details of my life in the car." Domick leaned onto his hand while talking.

"Umm-well" I couldn't exactly tell him my aunt was now causing me to doubt how well I truly knew him. "I wanted to know more about your... hobbies! Yeah, hobbies..." I trailed off.

Domick smiled in amusement, "Hobbies huh. Well, I don't have to many hobbies between my job and I guess just trying to stay in shape."

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