Chapter 1

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My new "power" didn't make much sense to me at first. I didn't know what all the colors, size, and movement meant. But I eventually figured it out.

The "wings" weren't actually real unless I put a little "juice" into my thoughts then focused on them, they would solidify but depended on the amount inserted for how much. I eventually figured out that the "juice" inserted also controlled how much feeling the person could feel in them when touched.

That caused me to believe that the wings are an extent of that persons soul.

When I stroked the feathers the person would suddenly look a lot happier and content but one time, when I pulled one off to see what would happen, they looked like they were in a lot of pain and then got confused. Almost as if they felt like they had lost something even though they didn't understand what.

I figured all this out by messing with my Moms "wings", since I was an only child and I didn't know enough to trust anyone else to try doing it on.

I wasn't very tall (only 5'4 and a tad bit too curvy ) so when I first started seeing wings I couldn't see far with people around very well because they blocked my view.

But I later learned that I could train my self to "unfocus" on the wings (like how your eyes automatically don't see your nose even though it's in your eyesight) until I wanted to see them.

The wings color depended on the mood of the owner and the color deepened depending on how strong the emotion.

It took me a long time to u

nderstand even some of the most simple color meanings. And some days I don't understand what some of the other combinations of colors mean.

The wing movement was the most important part about understanding their thoughts of action though.

Like if the person felt defensive or any other aggressive emotion then the wings were flared out. However, if the person was feeling any tender emotions then the wings would curl or flutter around that said person.

The possessive and protective "wing curl" were pretty much the same, you could barely see the person because of how tightly they were wrapped up in the other persons feathers.

  Sadly, I had never experienced that wing curl until I met a certain someone.


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