Chapter 14

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When a girl says, we need to talk. You know you're in some deep shit.

I couldn't control myself when I had overheard the librarian ask about her boyfriend. That combined with her sweet scent hitting me full force when she turned the corner, I'd lost it.

My beast still purred in contentment at seeing the dark marks we left on her neck, announcing to the world she was taken. Taken by me, not Seth. She was mine.

We haven't known each other long, there was also the fact that she was only supposed to be mine as in, my mission to me.

But she called to my beasts protective, possessive instincts, demanding me to take her away from everyone for ourselves, screwing all the consequences.

I guess this talk was much needed, I needed to explain to her why she needs to come with me sooner rather than later, or risk the council sending someone else out to collect her for them.

And why she's been avoiding me.

I felt someone poke me and interrupt my thoughts. It was Kira.

"Listen here, buddy. You can't tell me who I belong to. I'm my own woman." Her eyes were fiery with anger. "I told you Seth isn't into women, that's what you were supposed to remember when I had answered Seth to your 'boyfriend' question.

She gestured towards her neck and blushed. "So you know, this was totally unnecessary."

Seth cleared his throat and sent an encouraging look towards Kira, "I guess I'll leave you two love birds alone then..." he trailed off and turned around to leave.

"W-wait." Kira started as if to leave with him, so I grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Hey, now it's my turn to talk."

Kira sighed but stopped and watched Seth walkout of the library. She then turned towards me and yanked her arm out of my grasp.

"Well," she crossed her arms, "get on with it."

I ran my fingers through my dark hair and sighed. I had no idea on how to start telling her how we were 'abnormals' and what I had to do because of it.

"Umm, maybe we should hangout sometime out of school?" I blurted out.

I have no idea what just came out of my mouth. Usually I was smoother than this.

But maybe this would work, I would have more time and privacy to explain everything to her, and that way I would know her and her schedule better just incase she won't come with me willingly after hearing me out.

But hopefully it doesn't come to that.

It must have been the right thing to say though because the anger had drained out of her and she looked thoughtful. She also threw a longing look at my arms for some reason.

"We already are meeting up to paint each other for our projects, but I guess we can hangout at a different time too. If I can bring Seth." At the end of the sentence she had looked up at me in challenge.

Little did she know, I never backed down from a challenge.

I smirked and took a step closer to her. "You think I'm going to let another guy hangout with us." I darkly chuckled, "No. If you bring Seth," I spat out his name, "I'm bringing..." I tried to remember that one girls name who was a total bitch about Kira, "..Aubrey."

I had talked to no one besides Kira, Seth and Aubrey today. Some other people had come up to me and tried to start conversations, but I just ignored them till they left me alone.

I had said Aubrey trying to make Kira jealous so we could 'hangout' by ourselves, aka not with Seth because I would never choose Aubrey over Kira.

At least it seemed to work.

The green in Kiras eyes flared up and this time she reached for me. I thought she was going to pull me into a possessive, claiming kiss.

Maybe that was just what I was hoping she would do.

She grabbed my hair and yanked me closer.

Please, please.

"Fine," Kira snarled, "just us."

Damn it, she didn't do it.

I'll admit I was disappointed but now I knew, when she was mad she was still cute, like a little kitten hissing.

I raised my hands into her shoulder-length auburn hair. I had been wanting to caress the soft-looking locks. My fingers ran through her curls as she relaxed and leaned further into me.

My beast was content as I tilted her face up.

Suddenly she tried to push me away, in surprise I clutched her hair in my fists.


"Shit, Sorry!" I quickly tried to untangle my hands. She was still trying to get away from me, so it was even harder to separate my fingers out from her curls.

Finally I was free. Her hair however... looked like we had been doing something naughty, that along with the marks still all over her neck.

I have no regrets.

"Why would you suddenly push me away like that." I demanded.

"We're going to be late, and we didn't even eat any lunch!" She opened her lunch and shoved a bite of sandwich in her mouth, offered me some -which I declined- and motioned me to hurry up and follow her out of the aisles.

"So are you helping this weekend or not?" The librarian called after our hurrying forms.

Kira nodded and I made a split-second decision to join her, after all she did say we could hangout sometime. She never specified when or how soon.

"I'll be here too." I yelled back.

Kira whipped around but I put a finger to her lips, "Now, now," I tsked, "no talking with your mouth full."

She shot me a look full of incredibility but finished chewing before she said anything. By then we were out of the library so she couldn't deny me helping out tomorrow to the librarian.

"I just can't believe you invited yourself like that. But I guess it's fine, now we'll be on her good side so she might let us paint inside if the park doesn't work out for us."

She took another bite and chewed quickly before continuing, "And hopefully the work will go by quicker with three there to help, you can reach further than us. Even though I was going to ask Seth first." She sent me a teasing smile to let me know she was joking.

I just innocently smiled back and followed her quick steps to our next class together.

I'd be there, rain or shine.

Dark Wings (Dark World #1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن