Chapter 25

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I might have no clue where I'm at, but somehow my Dad that's been missing for years is here with me.

Waking up with Domicks muscular arm thrown over me and his crazy attractive face next to mine, best sight to wake up next to ever.

To bad I had to leave the bed because of my bladder was about to burst.

I slowly rolled away from Domicks grasp, admittedly a bit ungracefully, but was pleasantly surprised when he didn't wake up from hearing my bottom hitting his floor.

I got up and rubbed my now-sore butt as I watched Domick rub his face into the pillow I was just laying on, and groan in satisfaction.

Man, that groan really does something to me.

My bladder throbbed, reminding me what my main goal for getting out of bed was.

Hmmmmm, now where's the bathroom in this place?

Sometimes bedrooms can have a bathrooms connected to it, right?

Apparently not this one, I discovered after opening the one other door in his room. Based on what I saw, his didn't even really have a lot of clothes in there.

Going against my instinct to rush to find the bathroom, I slowly opened the door to leave the bedroom as to not wake Domick up.

I fist-bumped the air because luckily the next door I had opened was the bathroom.

After finishing my business I decided to snoop a little before going back to Domick.

I hadn't had the energy to check out his house the day before, I had been emotionally drained and just wanted to wallow in self-pity.

Just as I was done admiring the amount of knives in Domick's knife collection, I heard a knock.

Huh, who would that be?

I started towards the door but stopped in my tracts at my next thought.

Could it be a 'lady friend' of Domick's, coming over for more?

I knew Domick was probably too new in town to even have met one yet, but if I were to 'sleep around' a lot, you could bet I would choose Domick's attractive-self. And not willingly let him go.

Well guess what lady, he's mine.

I opened the door without even trying to peek to see who it was, too worked up from my own imaginative scenario.


I stared at him in confusion as he stared back at me until he seemed to think of something and broke down, crying.

"Kira! Kira, you have to help me! My, um, dog got, um, hit! Yes hit!" He didn't really seem to be shocked at seeing me at Domick's.

Well, what can I do to help him anyway? "Um, have you called anyone? Is there a type of animal ambulance you need to call?" I have no clue how to help him right now.

"No! Well, I don't think so, just come with me. He's in the back of my car and I need you for, um, support in case he doesn't make it."

I might be slight friends with Nick, but why would he want me there with him? At this point I was ready to go back to Domick.

But I guess a friend is a friend, "Alright, but how badly is he injured?"

Nick didn't reply, just rushed me to get to his car. But I guess I would be in a hurry too if my dog was dying.

He opened the backed door and I leaned in to see if I could see the dog better, I couldn't really see him.

Wait, where's the dog?

I started to turn to ask that question when Nick grabbed my shoulders, "I'm sorry Kira, I really did like you, but I like living better."

He pinched something and the world faded away.

I woke up on a type of cot.

I looked around as my eyes adjusted to the darkness at the bare features of the room I was in. It was like a type of jail-cell with the dirty walls, paint peeling and the heavy wooden door with bars covering the tiny window in the middle of it.

I didn't even have any other windows to let light in, the only source of light was a lantern that was sitting in the hallway, shining through the little window that would probably barely fit my hand through it.

I don't know how long I was down there for, cussing out Nick for betraying me and throwing me to wherever this is. And beating myself up for not noticing Nicks wings giving away his intentions.

Finally, I heard footsteps coming my way.

Someone jangled keys in my door and it swung open without the person speaking a word. I quickly left the room to see who it was, but they had already turned around and I had to hurry to catch up to their quick moving form shining their flashlight going upstairs.

I couldn't see anything about them, the flashlight shone ahead not hitting them at all. And the lantern light got blocked by my opened door.

"Hey, excuse me, but where are we? Where are you taking me?"

The person ignored my questions and just kept marching up the stairs. I sighed, seeing no other option but to follow them.

I was hardcore huffing by the time we reached the landing, the stairs kept going up, but this must be the one we were going to stop at. I now had a clue that the person I was following was most likely a man, based on the size of his dark shape in front of me.

Of course, the guy didn't say anything as he turned down a hallway without checking to see if I was keeping up.

I threw a glance up the stairs to see if I should make a break for it, but decided against it once the darkness creeped in as the flashlight got farther away. I hurried after the dude.

We turned a corner and bam, light.

I raised my hand up to shield my eyes but dropped it when I processed what I was seeing.


No, it couldn't be my Dad sitting at that table, watching me enter the room. Sure, he looked older but that was expected when he had been missing for years now.

We had entered a type of cafeteria and a few people were milling around, but something about the people didn't seem quite right.

None of them had wings.

The guy with the flashlight disappeared without me noticing so I went towards my Dads lookalike to sit down.

He gave me a smile as I approached, "Oh Kira, look at you, you're so grown up now."

His wings were the darkest black I've ever seen, they didn't even curl towards me a bit like people's dads wings usually did to their kids.

I smiled back to be polite, but I needed answers. "So... who are you?"

That caused the smile to drop from his face real quick, "It's me, your dear old Dad."

"Um, then where exactly have you been all these years?"

Something seemed to snap in his mind and a maniacal smile slid onto his face, "My little girl, still so innocent. Don't you see, this is where miracles happen."

I was even more confused, that didn't answer my question. "So, you've been making 'miracles'?

That finally seemed to put some life into his movements, he sat up straight and stared deeply into my eyes, "Yes, and you'll join us, after you answer one little question dear. What exactly can you see?"

I looked away from his probing gaze and thought about my reply.

Something just didn't feel right here.

"Um, I can see," I looked around for help, "peoples, um, pain."

That was technically true.

He stared at me before leaning back in disappointment, as if he knew I just lied to him "Oh, well, we'll just have to wait for you to take the test, hmm?"

My father glanced behind me, I turned in time to see Domicks hulking form barreling up to us.

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