Chapter 3

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  After school I would head to the library and stay there as long as possible to avoid my aunt that was at home and get any homework done.

One time I had left my homework on the dining table at my house to go to the bathroom and came back to it all ripped up. I had to buy a new book from the school and never left my stuff out at home again.

     Luckily not a lot of people went to the library so I was left alone for the most part. Otherwise I would babysit for money when I could, that's how I made any cash and avoided home even more.

Since I was at the library so much, me and the librarian were close.

"How's that Seth of yours?" the librarian asked, seeing me walk in.

I startled, "No, no, no, he's just my friend"

"Well you guys hang out an awful lot, might give any perspective boyfriends the wrong idea."

As if any boy would be into me and after who I saw he was happy to see today, I doubt Seth has any romantic interest in me.

"Like any guys wants to date me", I rolled my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, missy" She joked.

"Oh, my bad." I teased back.

"It's okay, but you can make it up to me by helping clean the library this weekend?" Her voice reached a higher pitch by the end of the question with hope.

It was Thursday but it's not like I ever had plans, so I was probably free.

"I only rolled my eyes at you, but if it will gain your forgiveness than... Definitely!" I was only joking but of course I would help, I was here more often than I was even at my own house.

"Thank you so much! I was only joking about the whole eye rolling thing, but if you are serious about helping then come talk to me when you're available."

She was starting to close down the library, so we didn't have any more time to talk. It was also getting dark out and I didn't want to ride my bike home in the dark. Seth had dropped off my bike after I told him I was staying at the library after school.

"I'm free tomorrow during lunch so I'll probably come then". I only sat with Seth at lunch, so he would just have to tag along if he wanted to.

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