Chapter 7

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When I heard that low growl, something in me tingled.

Quit that, I snapped at my body.

He still hadn't taken his finger out from under my chin so I went to pull my face away. he grabbed my chin and amusement in his eyes started to grow. I glanced back at his wings to see if that amusement had changed his wing color, it didn't. I still couldn't figure out why his wings were like that.

He finally released my chin and faced towards Mrs. Hamkin. I let out a sigh when I heard our next project, self-portrait.

I was aware of my flaws without having to paint them out. When I looked over to see Domick thoughts on the new project, he was already looking at me.

"How bout' we paint our partners instead" Domick interrupted the teacher as she wrote on the board.

She was startled from the interruption but then looked back, deep in thought, "Hmmmm, fine, but you have to make the background one thing that reminds you of them."

Painting him, no problem.

Him painting me, problem.

"I also want you guys to have to paint each other in person, so no sharing pictures. If you have to, meet up out of school." Mrs. Hamkin just kept adding on. Dang, I was hoping to get to stare into his eyes at least on paper not in real life.

No, no, no, I do not want to stare at him.

Yea right, as if any hot-blooded girl wouldn't want to stare into those amazing silver eyes.

I couldn't believe I was arguing with myself over a guy who would probably forget I existed by next class period.

They always did. I don't know what it was about me that caused people to eventually leave, but it still hurt every time.

Something must have shown on my face because when I looked over Domicks wings were reaching towards me. I quickly unfocused on them so I didn't have to feel them.

But somehow I still did.

"Since we have to do this in person, how about we meet up somewhere." Domick suggested.

Considering he was the only person I now talked to in this class, I couldn't really pick a different partner.

I knew my house would never be an option, he would just give my aunt more ammunition to hurt me with.

"How about the library?" I asked him. Somewhere public, perfect. 

Domick thought about it, "They probably don't want paint in there, so how about at my house."

"We literally just met and you're already inviting me over, how confident you are." I teased.

What am I doing. I had decided to ignore him from now on, not flirt.

But based on the look in his eyes, he was into it.

"Alright, what about the park. There should hopefully be somewhere private in those trees. We could even ask Mrs. Hamkin to borrow some easels to use."

That worked perfectly, a public place, away from home, easy escape, and if he didn't show up I could still get some painting time in.

The bell rang to dismiss the class as we finished up talking about the plan to meet up.

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