Chapter 3:

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*Warning, abuse and sexual assault*

I lay in my bed staring at my bandaged wrist as I try to fall asleep.

The stinging and aching pain is making it difficult for as whenever I get comfortable the pain takes the coziness away.

Eventually I slip into sleep after what felt like forever.


"I'm going for a walk" I tell Joey as I lean against the door frame of his room.

Joey looks up from his drawing, dark bags under his eyes, I guess he didn't sleep either.

"Okay, be safe" he tells me.

"You should go out somewhere too, you don't want to be here when they come back" I warn him, he nods his head, "yeah I know, I'm going to visit a friend soon anyway" he says with a smile.

"Okay, I love you" I tell him, "I love you too" he responds with a smile, I then walk away, and out of the front door.

It wasn't as nice as it was yesterday, it was a bit cooler, and there were more clouds covering the sun.

The wind found it's way through the tiny rip in the side of my jacket, causing goose bumps to rush over my body.

As I walk I can hear faint voices coming from behind me, as I walk I realize that they're getting closer and louder... and more familiar. 

I keep on walking, minding my own business when I'm tempted to look behind me.

Curiosity got the best of me and I looked behind my shoulder.

I chuckle to myself when I see that it's Johnny and Ponyboy. 

I just can't shake these guys.

They seem to notice me to because they begin to run up to me, and for some reason I slow down to let them.

"Hey!" Ponyboy says happily making me smile at his energetic personality, "hi" I respond with a smile, Johnny kept looking down at his feet, so I helped him out a bit, "hey, Johnny" I say attentively.

He looks up from the ground and smiles, "hey" he greets.

He's... cute. 

I shake the thought out of my head quickly.

"Do you want to hang out?" Ponyboy asks politely.

I don't really know them, but something screamed inside me to hang out with get to know them, "yeah, sure" I agree as both Pony and Johnny smile at my answer.

"Cool! We'll show you the lot" Ponyboy says happily as he starts to walk down the street I was going to walk down anyways.

"Okay" I say chuckling lightly at his eagerness.

He leads me to the lot.

Once we got there he stopped and asked, "this is the lot, this is where Johnny and I come to hang out a lot" he says looking around at the slightly open grass lot with one tree in the middle, car seats leaning against them.

"So how are you liking it here in Tulsa so far?" Pony asks as he walks closer to the car seats.

I hate it here.

"It's been really great" I lie with a convincing smile.

"That's because it's new, it'll get boring and old after a while" Pony says as he sits down on the torn up car seats.

I already have.

Most of the conversation was between me and Pony, but I did learn something about Johnny even though he didn't talk much, he's shy... but then again it doesn't take an expert to figure that out.

Forever - Johnny CadeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ